General > User modifications
Custom UI
and what about merging it on the master? maybe into annother /base dir link an extension (maybe mattn have another ideas).
At least we can fix most of the style problems with many hands, and you can continue to update the screen you want.
IMO it is the better moment to do it.
Sorry, could you explain in more detail how to install it. I saw the instructions in "readme" file. However, the game crashes on startup.
Asarhadon, what version of UFO:AI are you trying to use it with. What error are you getting when it crashes.
--- Quote from: H-Hour on May 23, 2012, 07:40:48 pm ---Asarhadon, what version of UFO:AI are you trying to use it with. What error are you getting when it crashes.
--- End quote ---
Its just crashes with no errors.
UFO:AI version 2.4 (I installed over the old version so that the directory is named 2.3 (in the screenshots), but it is 2.4)
Sorry, I don't know how to help you. Usually when I get a UI-related crash, I get a crash window that has more than the ufoconsole.log, and usually tells me where the problem is.
Work on this UI has moved into 2.5 and the code that runs the UI system is getting revamped, so I can't distribute the UI as a mod now in a form compatible with 2.4.
If you want to check it out, it's probably easiest to get a nightly download for 2.5 and try it out that way. Check the download page under "development (latest) for Nightly Builds.
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