General > User modifications

Custom UI

<< < (10/18) > >>

Btw, about font. What do you think about Jura font? It has  Public domain / GNU GPL license and good enough coverage.

Good find! Will check it out.

Jura is really not as strong on the screen as Orbitron, and lacks a proper bold face. But it could be alright if it solves a lot of translation issues...

At least Jura can be used as substitution for non-Latin languages.

If so, we will also need font sizes to be changeable. Will the following allow the size to be changed?

--- Code: ---font f_menubig
font "_media/JuraDemiBold.ttf"
size _27
--- End code ---

The text size of the two fonts does not match well, so Jura's size needs to be about 3 larger than Orbitron on average.


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