General > User modifications
Custom UI
--- Quote from: H-Hour on December 22, 2011, 12:46:34 pm ---[...]"morale" is not an easy concept to describe in a small icon.[...]
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In the good old Heroes of Might and Magic they used a golden bird as a symbol of morale.
Wings up -- high morale.
Wings down -- low morale.
I don't have the game anymore, so no better image, but it looked something like this (in the upper right corner).
Morale is yellow in ufo:ai, so that's why I remembered the golden bird of homm, maybe it is suitable?
Or it could be a flag maybe, or a star, if something different is needed?
Not a bad idea. Not sure if I can pull it off at the tiny icon size for my UI. Will give it a shot.
--- Quote from: H-Hour on December 22, 2011, 12:46:34 pm ---Still don't know exactly how I'll handle the second hand, though.
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What about adding a switch icon - so you can swap between both hands.
That's probably the way I'll go. But it's not as intuitive as I'd like for new players.
Yes, it is quite bad.
BTW i think it is not so hard (but still usable) to do something like your standup/duck button with left/right weapon.
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