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Custom UI

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To be correct, it support only latin set, and no more.

Oh, and the third bar is about mind? right?
You should use something like a brain-icon.
Something like with our style should be better.

And a last little thing, i see IndieDB screenshots. I think you should use more width of the screen in case of wide screen. IMHO there is 2 choices, 1) center the bottom panel (but the soldier model can looks strange here) or 2) align the soldier panel on the left and the weapon panel on the right (but it can be hard to use in very wide screens).

(or something between with a dynamic margin, but it is harder to code).
If you need help with code, u can ask me.

I think its fine if he just align the weapon box to the right border. I shot the screenshot in window mode, actually iam using a resolution of 1680x1050 in fullscreen (dont know if that means very wide for you).


--- Quote from: bayo on December 22, 2011, 09:48:46 am ---Oh, and the third bar is about mind? right?
You should use something like a brain-icon.
Something like with our style should be better.

--- End quote ---

It is "morale", but maybe that's what you meant. (My understanding is that "mind" will eventually be a psionics-like skill?) Not a fan of the brain idea, but I admit "morale" is not an easy concept to describe in a small icon.

--- Quote from: bayo on December 22, 2011, 10:02:16 am --- I think you should use more width of the screen in case of wide screen. IMHO there is 2 choices, 1) center the bottom panel (but the soldier model can looks strange here) or 2) align the soldier panel on the left and the weapon panel on the right (but it can be hard to use in very wide screens).

--- End quote ---

All soldier/squad functions are bottom-left. All battlescape info is top-left. All game-control icons (+radar) are top-right. It expands/contracts correctly with widescreen.

--- Quote from: Crystan on December 22, 2011, 12:07:19 pm ---I think its fine if he just align the weapon box to the right border.

--- End quote ---

I tried that at first but didn't like it. Looks and feels off. Having the firedef's pop-up like you have in the screenshot makes it seem strange, but in gameplay the positioning (and the firedef's) feel fine.

Still don't know exactly how I'll handle the second hand, though.


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