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Author Topic: How do skills and attributes work?  (Read 3860 times)

Offline Danible

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How do skills and attributes work?
« on: November 03, 2011, 09:59:10 pm »
Yeah I tried searching for it but couldn't seem to find anything.

The main attribute I'm wondering about is accuracy. I know all the weapon skills increase with use, though I don't know if it's per attempt or per hit.

But the accuracy of some of my veterans are still unexpectedly low. And this only seems to happen for my assault rifleman. Snipers and even submachinegunners seem to get a good accuracy boost after several missions, but just not my riflemen. Why is that and what actions increase my accuracy skill?

I know using up TU's improve speed(but I don't know if it's per TU used or that I have to use up ALL TU per turn)
I know Healing, surviving, and killing improves mind.
I know strength doesn't work yet.

Could use some info on accuracy, thanks!

Offline H-Hour

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Re: How do skills and attributes work?
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2011, 07:35:58 pm »
But the accuracy of some of my veterans are still unexpectedly low. And this only seems to happen for my assault rifleman. Snipers and even submachinegunners seem to get a good accuracy boost after several missions, but just not my riflemen. Why is that and what actions increase my accuracy skill?

One thing that might cause this impression is that the Aimed Shot on many assault weapons relies on the Sniper skill, not the Assault skill. So your soldier may get better at the the Snap/Burst/Auto shots of assault weaponry without getting a boost to the Aimed Shot of an assault weapon.

edit - Nevermind, that's not correct.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2011, 07:38:47 am by H-Hour »

Offline Duque Atreides

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Re: How do skills and attributes work?
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2011, 07:59:39 pm »
But the assault weapons says assault, for the aimed shot, except the bolter rifle.

It is a hidden function?

Offline H-Hour

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Re: How do skills and attributes work?
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2011, 07:38:14 am »
But the assault weapons says assault, for the aimed shot, except the bolter rifle.

You're right, my mistake. Not sure where I got the idea...

Offline Aldaturo

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Re: How do skills and attributes work?
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2011, 10:58:14 am »
The main attribute I'm wondering about is accuracy. I know all the weapon skills increase with use, though I don't know if it's per attempt or per hit.
Could use some info on accuracy, thanks!
It is my understanding (from reading the source code) any shot that damages one or more enemy increases experience for both accuracy and the relevant weapon skill.
I think that 'shot' in this context means single action, so if you throw a frag grenade that causes damage to two enemies, it still only counts as a single shot, and if you do a multi-round auto fire, it also still only counts as a single shot even if several of the rounds cause damage to aliens.

Hits using the sniper skill gains 1.5 times as much accuracy experience as the other weapon skills, but overall you get gain accuracy experience at a much slower rate than weapon skill experience (10-20% of the relevant weapon skill increase, depending on the weapon skill) The amount of weapon skill experience gained per hit depends on the weapon skill.
For each skill, there is also a cap for how much experience can be gained in a single mission.

I know using up TU's improve speed(but I don't know if it's per TU used or that I have to use up ALL TU per turn)
You gain speed experience for TUs spent on moving and firing.

Offline Watered_Down

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Re: How do skills and attributes work?
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2011, 04:34:32 am »
Aldato, thanks for your input on this, I had a similar question...Not knowing too much about the code in original X-COM, but does anyone know if this set-up is close to how that game worked? Thanks

Offline Nutter

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Re: How do skills and attributes work?
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2011, 08:17:30 pm »
Skills and improvement in 2.3, a crappy attempt at an interpretation you'd probably be better off avoiding follows.

Speed: You get 0.5 points for every square walked, 1 for crawling and .1xTU cost for weapon use. So an assault rifle burst gives you 1.2, an aimed bolter 1.6.

If I did the maths correctly (which I doubt), you should need 100 points for a single level but the stuff confused the living shit out of me for some reason.
But anyway, you'd have to crawl 100 squares or walk 200 for a point boost. But I'm still not sure if I calculated that right.

It also says it gives you 20 accuracy per enemy hit so I think the grenade example should give you 40, if it even applies.