Technical support > Feature Requests

Training Room

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all of those are old topics HH.

it's time for a new one; hell, even the most recent one of those hasn't had anything posted in 4 months!

I had a similar set of building ideas for training, but each would be limited to one type of training regime, so people would have to choose carefully how much space to devote.  All would be 2 space buildings (like workshop).

1.  Obstacle course (or climbing wall):
   -trains 1 point of strength and speed per month for troops stationed at that base.

2.  Firing Range:
   -trains 1 point of accuracy per month for troops stationed at that base.

3.  Boom Room:
   -trains 2 points explosive skill per month for troops stationed at that base.

4.  Dojo:
   -trains 2 points close combat skill per month for troops stationed at that base.

5.  Rooftop:
   -trains 2 points sniper skill per month for troops stationed at that base.

6.  Tank Busters:
   -trains 2 points heavy weapons skill per month for troops stationed at that base.


one might take the time to actually build a base mostly devoted to training, and rotate troops through for a couple months stay for example.

Wasn't really thinking of anything quite so elaborate Ich... perhaps an extra tab on the Employees page of a base labelled 'Training' and maybe an option to commit soldiers to training on one of the skills for short period. Once committed, the Soldier is not available for other duties, like missions or base defence. Something like this may cut down selection time too at each month-end when your new recruits come on-line.  ;) ::)

Maybe your list could be used for the skill selection to be trained on, but to try building extra buildings for training, I guess would be a little OTT.  :D


--- Quote from: Gren on November 16, 2011, 01:04:55 pm ---Wasn't really thinking of anything quite so elaborate Ich... perhaps an extra tab on the Employees page of a base labelled 'Training' and maybe an option to commit soldiers to training on one of the skills for short period. Once committed, the Soldier is not available for other duties, like missions or base defence. Something like this may cut down selection time too at each month-end when your new recruits come on-line.  ;) ::)

--- End quote ---

Sounds a lot like Jagged Alliance 2's training system while in the map screen.

Well it's not a new idea.. I don't really remember now, but perhaps it could have been used in the original UFO?  ;)

 Not really sure but your suggestion kind of makes it sound like a bit of a waste of precious space.
 Though I guess you could shorten the periods to a week and combine it with Grens idea by giving an intensive training option at the employees screen.
 Say up to six or eight troops per room at a time. For a price, of course.
 They'd get somewhere between 1-2 points per week at everything in the standard version and about 3-5 in the intensive training. Heh you could add a specialised training option that'd give them a large gain at a particular skill too. All major values depending on sheer (bad) luck, of course.
 Of course both intensive and specialised would take them off mission duty for the duration of the training.
 Come to think of it, one could add skill degradation that would degrade at a slightly smaller rate as standard training would increase it. Of course, that'd mean troops stuck on permanent guard duty would simply have to have that thing. Especially since at least the folks I generally pick for that aren't really shining examples of PHALANX personnel to begin with.

--- Quote from: Hertzila on November 17, 2011, 02:40:00 am ---Sounds a lot like Jagged Alliance 2's training system while in the laptop.

--- End quote ---
Wait, you can train them with the laptop?


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