Technical support > Mac

Still no head objects in latest dev PPC build?

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I finally got the source home this weekend and built the game from scratch again.
It took 60 hours on my PPC G5 2.3 to build all the maps and models from source.

But I have just run the game after this and all the heads of the soldiers and aliens are
still missing.    I know the files are there, but I do not know how to solve this one.
Likewise the particle/weapon effects are missing.

The game plays well in every other respect, but I do not know how to get these minor
errors resolved.

Please let me know exactly what files I need to look for, what I need to do with them
and where they should go.   I actually saw the build of the object files refer directly to stuff like
"soldiermale/head" and so on, so I know its there somewhere.

Please help!


is that the same on both gui, and maps?

the head of the trooper is rendered in the main screen, eg in the top left corner,
but on the map, the body of the trooper is rendered without a head. Also, if I click
on the credits, all the troopers are standing/kneeling, but without heads.
In various dialogues, the trooper has no head, either.

I examined a jpeg file and it had a face, with sides and a hat/hair which I assume
is the texture, so I know all the bits are there.

What next? This is a full build on PPC, debug with all the maps, models etc compiled
 on my machine, to see if it would fix the missing head problem.   Is there a ufo utility
command that would work like make models but just for the heads, so we can see what
is going on?  Note this is the same, as previously menitoned, for the weapon particle
stuff etc...


i'm still hoping to get my ppc soon - so i should be able to debug the issues and fix them.

the issue is fixed now


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