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Author Topic: Request accelerating spin control for Buy/Sell and Transfer screens.  (Read 2229 times)

Offline ptbptb

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Transferring 9000 Alien Materials from one base to another isn't fun. I think the simplest, and most user friendly, way to speed up buying / selling / transferring large numbers of an item would be to adjust the code for the spin control to use an increasing increment.

e.g. Click, and hold, on 'up' and you get +1 each time the counter clicks up for the first 10 or so, then +5 each for the next lot, then +10 each for the next bunch, then +50 etc.

Well, exact values can obviously be tweaked by the programmers to whatever looks nice, but that's the basic idea.

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Re: Request accelerating spin control for Buy/Sell and Transfer screens.
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2011, 09:51:02 am »
ptbptb wrote: Transferring 9000 Alien Materials from one base to another isn't fun....

Yes I agree.. perhaps some kind of multiple unit button?

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Re: Request accelerating spin control for Buy/Sell and Transfer screens.
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2011, 12:09:21 pm »
Well there is room for a second spin control to the left of the existing one, IMO. You could either have that one do all/nothing or do (say) 100 per click.

I think an accelerating spin control would be more elegant, but I'd be happy with anything. :-)

Offline ptbptb

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Re: Request accelerating spin control for Buy/Sell and Transfer screens.
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2011, 09:41:37 pm »
Actually, there is an alternative approach you could take.

It seems that the Plasma Grenade (requires 30 Alien Materials) is the production item that requires the smallest amount of alien materials to make.  The other items all seem to be multiples of 10 for their Alien Materials requirements. So you could simply make the 'Alien Material' item 10 times larger, 10 times heavier, worth 10 times as much and require 1/10 the amount for everything.

The net effect would be the same, only the Stingray would take just 900 to build (so much less mouse clicking required).