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Obtaining the source

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--- Quote from: geever on September 03, 2011, 07:02:03 am ---A 2.4-dev build? Could you then help us with big-endian savegame issue? I would really like to fix for the next release.


--- End quote ---

I am going to attempt a 2.4 build on leopard PPC shortly.
I have to move the code around on too small USB sticks, so it is annoying but I am almost
ready to try.   I will post here with more info when I have something to show...

Meanwhile, a Solaris 10 2.3.1 build for SPARC  is on the way!  I have nearly finished compiling
all the dependencies, so it is packaged to run cleanly.   I do not know who will want this,
but it is extreme nerdniness and someone will thank me later...



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