Technical support > Mac

Obtaining the source

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I am trying to git the source as desscribed on the appropriate page in the wiki,
but it keeps timing out, with nothing I seem to be able to do.  It seems to pull
back about 1.5 gb from the repo before losing the connection.

I am sorry this is a general question, but is there an option for git to resume
downloading if it is disconnected?

Otherwise, is there a tar.gz source and data bundle I can zip back and unpack
using a script to "gitize" the source?

I am trying to get the 2.4 source onto my PPC mac, so I can try for you guys....


Sadly it isnt possible to resume a git clone afaik. You have to download it in one go.

did you try cloning from the github mirror? It's said to allow longer connection times than sourceforge. And no I'm not aware of any tarball of the git repo, sorry.

thanks for the info on github.  I overlooked this info before. 
I am trying to git the source again now and will try to do a PPC build.

Is anyone interested in a Solaris 10 (SPARC) build of 2.3.1?
If so, I might try to do a build on my workstation next week....



--- Quote from: virag0 on September 03, 2011, 04:19:59 am ---thanks for the info on github.  I overlooked this info before. 
I am trying to git the source again now and will try to do a PPC build.

--- End quote ---

A 2.4-dev build? Could you then help us with big-endian savegame issue? I would really like to fix for the next release.



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