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This problem of white geoscape and white texture seems to be a common problem for Linux users. (I have it too, and I saw in several threads that other people experienced it also).

Usually, the answer is that you should update your graphic card driver.

In my case (ATI radeon mobility in a Dell Laptop), I didn't manage to do it, so I installed UFO under Win XP and it worked just find... (OK, this is a rather poor solution :( )

It's not impossible it's the video card, the Intel chipsets are almost universally problematic for 3D games with texturing faults being a common complaint, they're worse than ATi used to be. I actually installed my Radeon in my P4 originally because of the fact the onboard intel video card was causing paging faults in some of my favourite games, it was so frustrating I nearly ripped the nVidia GeForce 4400 PCI out of my Debian server to replace it. Obviously the laptop doesn't have the option of swapping out video cards, but I'm sure someone else using the same series onboard vid under Windows could potentially confirm or deny it's blame.


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