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Author Topic: Couple of issues....  (Read 2495 times)


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Couple of issues....
« on: October 28, 2006, 09:01:31 pm »
Hi all,

this is a very nice game,  just when I got nostalgic to the old UFO and TFTD games.. i have found the game...


but not everything is perfect....

1) my first problem is that when the aliens attack my base, the game crashes...

I get an error:
"VirtualAlloc reserve failed"
the game crashes, and I am back to desktop..
( win XP sp2)

and in the log ( ufoconsole) i get:

==== InitGame ====
------- Server Initialization -------
Not enough spawn points for team 7
Created AI player (team 7)
loopback: client_connect
FindFile: can't find music/base.ogg
Couldn't open 'music/base.ogg'

b/g/hospital b/g/workshop b/g/drop b/g/radar b/g/teamroom b/g/empty b/g/intercept b/g/radar b/g/empty b/g/empty b/g/empty b/g/empty b/g/entrance b/g/empty b/g/empty b/g/lab b/g/empty b/g/storage b/g/workshop b/g/commando b/g/quarters b/g/powerplant
FindFile: can't find music/base.ogg
Couldn't open 'music/base.ogg'
Map: b/g/hospital b/g/workshop b/g/drop b/g/radar b/g/teamroom b/g/empty b/g/intercept b/g/radar b/g/empty b/g/empty b/g/empty b/g/empty b/g/entrance b/g/empty b/g/empty b/g/lab b/g/empty b/g/storage b/g/workshop b/g/commando b/g/quarters b/g/powerplant
You are already on team 1
Unnamed has taken control over team 1.
==== ShutdownGame ====
SDL audio device shut down.

I have researched everything i can, ( tachyon, nano technology etc...) except the xenobiology, which I cant research... and i dont know what do I have to do to research it..

I got the green bodies... ( ort- something)

but when I stun the other aliens... I cant get them... ( at the end of the mission statistics I see that all aliens dead...)

I dont have the TXT files on my PC... so the UFOpedia is futile.. where can i can download the TXT files , and where I should copy them...?

4) what is the IR googles are good for?  huh?  :?

thank you for your answers


  • Guest
Couple of issues....
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2006, 08:49:13 am »
I'm using RC5 and got to the point where my base is being attacked by aliens. I haven't got time to finish the mission, and there are some bugs in the lab and other areas - I can't kill those bugs :) because the "bugs" are preventing me to walk into some areas.
Anyway... in my game, this mission doesn't crash the game.

I also researched almost everything, xenobiology might be locked for the moment.

IR goggles cost ridiculously high to build just one set, but can be used, even though using them is a bit unnatural. You have to equip one soldier with IR as a weapon  :roll: and use it like such, when your soldier is close to a wall. The IR goggles are actually a gadget that allows you to see through the walls :)

I imagined that the soldier equiped with IR goggles will see the enviroment in those greenish-grey IR goggles colors when switched to 1st person view. It would have been awsome. This is a suggestion to the devs, btw. :P But, the goggles act like a regular item, and using them will waste almost all of your TUs - about 25. If you use them near a wall, it's like firing a weapon (the range is about 2 squares) you will see the aliens behind that wall. I tested the goggles in a UFO recovery mission, the one with the shuttle looking UFO ;)

My proposal is to make an inventory slot, like the helmet, for goggles, and instead of acting like an item, the goggles should have an on off switch - wearing the goggles will change the 1st person style of view (green-grey colors and see through walls). As it is now, one soldier is just wasted because can't use a weapon while using the goggles, which is very unrealistic, and the goggles also use very many TUs.


  • Guest
Couple of issues....
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2006, 09:10:08 pm »
Work around for the music crashing the SDL audio device is to head to the /base/music/ directory and copy an ogg file ie mission4.ogg and make the copy base.ogg that will stop that bug, just had to do that myself, obviously there was an intention of having a specific bit of music for the mission, but none exists it seems, I don't know if this was an oversight during the upload, or if the file hasn't been written yet. This error probably only occurs with SDL sound, and not potentially the WAPI, or DX options. I would suspect this is an issue with error handling for SDL, if I might make a suggestion add a if music/xxxx.ogg not exist then load mission.ogg or something similar should resolve this one.