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Author Topic: Gitting the source part deux  (Read 2423 times)

Offline virag0

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Gitting the source part deux
« on: September 27, 2011, 03:47:20 am »
well I am trying to git an update of my source code.

Let me give a background first.

I am in Australia and I have what we call a "broadband" connection
here, but in other parts of the world, it would be called a glorified modem

This works fine for most things, but a combination of a slow link, latency
and the fact that git is ostensibly evil is stopping me from doing
what I would like.

I came into work and pulled the repo for UFO-2.4 there.  It took 4 goes
and by watching the direction of the wind and holding my tongue right,
I got a repo.

Then I packed the massive git files (I do not know what they do),
and all the source onto 2 2Gb USB sticks and unpacked it all on my

For a couple of days, "git fetch" was happily updating my source
tree, in under a minute.

Now, I went to get an update on the weekend, then yesterday and now today.
The repo has obviously updated considerably, because it is gigantic again.

So, now I am in the odious position of timeouts, not being able to
update my sources and eating into my broadband capacity as I magically
download 500-1Gb of source and then watch it disconnect due to some
remote issue.  Of course the downloaded files just become vapour.

So, if anyone has the latest repo, data/base files etc, in a tarball
that I can download, please let me know.   

I am not happy with git - I liked SVN a lot better and actually started
learning it until git became the trendy and not so good alternative.

If anyone has an SVN repo for 2.4 the same, I would be happy to try that.

But please tell me how to just update the source tree in a nice
way that doesn't mean eating into my capacity with failed retries

frustrated gitiot