Technical support > Mac

UFOAO on iPad?


is it OK to discuss this here?   I am pleased with my 2.3.1 running on PPC,
so I did a little research on getting it working on an IOS device like the ipad.

First up. looks like you need to jailbreak, which I did already.
There is a tutorial on getting GCC 4.x running with a libgcc clone of some sort.
libjpeg etc are all present.
libsdl and friends appears to have a make target suitable for IOS.

The openGL should be up to it - are the native libraries OK?
I doubt the maps and objects will load as the ipad is a 256mb device,
so are there cheaper images we can use/ lower the intensity or something
to make the maps run on the smaller device?   Interested in what the Android
guys did. 

I reckon this is achievable, even if only as a proof it could be taken further.
I reckon, if it could compile, it should be able to be tweaked to run,
with emphasis on game play over aesthetics if it comes to that.

I do not get a lot of time to do this, in fact, I get very little time to play the game
itself, but I like building stuff instead of knitting, so if you guys think it is technically
possible, and I would not be wasting my time, I will have a go...


technically it is possible - and i would like to see this, too.

if you need any help with it, please let me know. maybe the first step to do this cleanly would be a port to sdl 1.3. it has better ios, android and so on support.

I will have a go at SDL when I work out how to setup the toolchain correctly.
At this stage, we should consider this is just to see how to get UFO working, but not
worrying about packaging etc, until it seems realistic!

Can we keep this discussion to just this thread for now, then if it looks
good, take it a bit further?



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