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Author Topic: Patient Priority in Hospitals  (Read 2093 times)

Offline LostInTime

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Patient Priority in Hospitals
« on: August 10, 2011, 05:38:13 pm »
Currently hospitals heal at a frustratingly slow rate. Perhaps healing in hospitals could be prioritized? Where the player would have the option to focus the hospitals attentions on a certain patient or patients at the expense of the others. Everyone would still gradually heal but some slower than normal and others faster than normal. If one patient is “prioritized” then the healing would be fastest as opposed to a group of patients being prioritized. Some sort of formula would have to be involved.

This idea comes from the frustration of having let’s say a squads top sniper out of commission and (especially in early game) no suitable replacements for this postion. Yes, I know (last time I checked) that the Medkit is exploitable, but it will not be forever. I believe that hospitals need some sort of change and I could not find any proposals besides cybernetic implants.

Offline jerm

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Re: Patient Priority in Hospitals
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2011, 02:42:55 am »
I don't think healing works like that. It's not like you can bandage a wound over twice or have twice as many doctors staring at a wound to make it heal twice as fast. Unfortunately, agents aren't machines where you can just have twice as many mechanics fixing it.