I have to agree and side with H-Hour on his points - Musical tastes vary quite a bit, and just one or two developers have NO right to force-feed their own personal tastes down the throat of the player and "straightjacket" them into listening to only one style they might not like and not have a choice.
For a long time I've glanced at reviews of the game on third-party sites, and looked at comments from people who have downloaded and played the game. When it comes to comments about the soundtrack, not surprisingly some favor it with a "thumbs up" and others really would want something else. I even recall one player who hated the slow ambient stuff, calling it "electro-jazz" and saying "it puts [him] to sleep..."
I'd also like to point out that many of the tracks that were recently commented out in the .ufo file were already approved a long time ago after much work, and it is counterproductive to development to carve out and remove things from the project to the personal likings of one or two developers every time a new developer joins the project. This is a perfect example of what Winter was talking about when he came to the project, things constantly being pulled out, put back in, changed back and forth as people joined and left the project. It stifles developmental progress of the game and creates chaos.
That being said, if the variety is too jarring and consistency is desired, the player should still at least have some choice, with a menu option, downloadable packs, whatever.
I don't make it a secret that I would personally favor a good hard-rock action soundtrack for parts of the game, but I at least am aware that not all gamers like that type of thing, some would prefer other material, and I respect that, I don't try to force my own taste on others.
On a side note, I actually do have much better-sounding air combat tracks and better versions of the old ones I've never uploaded, but I'm putting that off until we get around to starting a branch for implementing 3D air-fight sessions that would use such tracks. It'll be a while before things get to that though.