Development > Newbie Coding

Can't bind my "KP_MULTIPLY" [*] key


I was trying to bind the [*] on my keypad and I was not able too.
Is it possible to bind using the keycode? (which is 42 btw)

If not possible, I guess this post should can be considered a feature request :)
> please create a name for the keypad [*] key, e.g. KP_MULTIPLY
On the same topic, my keypad keys behave differently depending if the NumLock is on/off. Is this the expected behavior?


--- Quote from: hgabreu on July 05, 2011, 02:39:01 pm ---On the same topic, my keypad keys behave differently depending if the NumLock is on/off. Is this the expected behavior?

--- End quote ---

Yes, that's numlock for!



--- Quote from: geever on July 05, 2011, 03:12:54 pm ---Yes, that's numlock for!

--- End quote ---
Ok, I just asked because that usually not the behavior in games, but it's fine.

Anyway, can you help with the main problem, which is bind an action to the keypad asterisk key?


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