Development > Artwork

Geoscape Icons

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Hi There, i've created a quick geoscape icon sheet. It's 2D, once you guys are happy with the direction then it can be convert to 3D icons.
My initial idea is to keep them contained in simple shapes (rounded rectangle/rounded triangle maybe?, just wondering about the poly limit).
Also, i can overlay a color on each as in 'Story-related' mission get's a yellow-ish color, XVI mission get's purple, terror get's red etc..
Let me know what you guys think, thanks! :)

I like the quality of the icons a lot. My only recommendation would be to try and distinguish between crashed ufos and crashed phalanx craft a bit more, but not a big deal. If the geoscape needs them in 3d, I think you could just map the 2d texture to a single plane.

Others will need to comment on whether the icons fit within the geoscape design.

If you haven't already, you should talk to geever or someone responsible for the campaign to make sure the icons cover all needed mission types.

I couldn't find this in any of the todo lists, but I remember the request a while ago for separate icons for different mission types. If anyone can find it that'd be good.

Nice work!

welcome back raxar - nice to see you here again. as always i like your work a lot - but: (sorry that there is one)

the "problem" is that our current geoscape work is green - and it will stay like that in the near future because we don't have anyone who will replace all of our graphics with your new style.

making a long speach short - we have to keep consistency here.

Hey guys, thanks for the feedback :)

I used the color scheme from the Proposed UI stuff. But I'll change it to green, no problem.
Also, i'll differentiate a bit more with the Crashed UFO/Phalanx.

There is one more thing, I (and I'm sure many others) are using Blender 2.5x for 3D stuff. I couldn't find a md2 importer/exporter for it. Does UFO:AI use any other model formats like Collada or FBX? (Collada being the preferred one)


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