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Author Topic: My soldiers never gained experience during automissions. It would be helpful if  (Read 4125 times)

Offline leads by phone

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My soldiers never gained experience during automissions. It would be helpful if you could, since you don't always want to micromanage in missions when you are busy doing research etc.
I don't know if its suppose to be like that, or just never thought of.

Offline geever

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My soldiers never gained experience during automissions. It would be helpful if you could, since you don't always want to micromanage in missions when you are busy doing research etc.
I don't know if its suppose to be like that, or just never thought of.

Automission is an unfinished feature (in 2.3.x). Destructavator is already working on it.

However I'm not sure if it's a good idea to give experience for "nothing". I think "If you want your soldiers to improve, make some effort - do missions manually" is a valid argument too. It will need a decision on our side..


Offline parjlarsson

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Intended, as of now.

Search the forums and you'll find discussion on this topic, with some arguments for minor exp gain. Personally I'd support that, as the random scout/fighter crash in the same terrain as you've fought in 50 times already gets a bit boring - with the addition of a chance of death, defeat and likely injuries.

dammit, second

Offline Destructavator

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However I'm not sure if it's a good idea to give experience for "nothing". I think "If you want your soldiers to improve, make some effort - do missions manually" is a valid argument too. It will need a decision on our side..


Well, once I get at least part of the new system working, not all of the soldiers will come back alive or in total health, so although there will be some experience gain there will also be some sacrifice.

Even when the new system is totally implemented all the way at some point, I would think that there would still, on average, be at least *some* benefit to doing a real mission over an automatic one, to discourage the player from over-use of the new auto mission system.  Exactly how that will be done I'm not quite fully sure of yet - I've got several ideas - but first I need to get it to work and compile, and *then* tweak and fine-tune things.

Side note:  I just recently got the master branch to compile from within C::B, although it is unfortunately with an old and outdated copy of MinGW (the newer versions I've tried have some issues working with the game's code).  This should hopefully work for now, but eventually it could be an issue as it (the version of gcc) is behind the version used for the Linux port, which I'm guessing could make bugs that would occur on one platform but not another.  I have over a half dozen versions of MinGW installed on my hard drive for various projects - some even for 64-bit programs - and I'm a little "irked" that only a very old copy would work with UFO: AI, but I guess I'll worry more about that later.

Offline srs008

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and can you make it take account of stun weapons. say 10% chance with stun rod of taking alien, 50% with laser, 75% with gas.

how about some randoms.

aliens = 1 to 15?  (sets number of aliens)
difficulty = -2 -1 0 1 2 (damage/defence modifier?)
humans = set as whatever was sent...
defenceP = 0 to 100 (chance that a soldier is hiding behind a wall)
defenceA = 0 to 100 (alien chance of taking cover)
attackP= 0 to 100 (chance a soldier will fire)
attackA= 0 to 100 (alien chance of firing)
hit chanceP= player's soldiers accuracy added together then divided between them (average...)
hit chanceA= alien version of hit chance

so the working out would be like this
[1] means the number the random got, for readability

begin loop humanturn( upto value of humans )

attackP [10] so run random between 0 and 100, if equals 0 to 10, player attacked.
hitchanceP [50] random between 0 and 100. if equals between 0 and 50. player aimed at alien.
defenceA [20] random between 0 and 100. if equals between 0 and 20. the alien was behind cover...

if begin loop less then humans value (how any humans were sent...)

then goto humanturn...

else continue to alienturn

begin loop alienturn ( upto value of aliens )

attackA [30] random between 0 and 100, if equals 0 to 30, attack happening
hitchanceA [5] random between 0 and 100, if equals 0 to 5, alien aimed at player
defenceP [20] random between 0 and 100, if equals 0 to 20, the human was behind cover...

if alienturn equals aliens,
set humanturn 0
set alienturn 0
goto humanturn

if aliens dead, show victory
if humans dead, show defeat

this should of course help for the basics. you of course need to take note of weapons, if a team can even attack, how much ammo used, what weapon used, the armor... you know the rest. hope it helps...

Offline geever

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this should of course help for the basics. you of course need to take note of weapons, if a team can even attack, how much ammo used, what weapon used, the armor... you know the rest. hope it helps...

Did you check the actual code?
