Development > Artwork

I come bearing gifts...

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> I can texture them
Btw, can you texture some untextured models in our repo?

Which ones?

Back after antoher pause. Got bitten by the UFO bug again.

Am preparing the rife and tank, texturing them and putting them into a usable format.

--- Quote from: H-Hour on June 21, 2011, 07:25:28 am ---Hip-carried weapons would require new animations and I don't think it's worth it (personally). As far as I know, there are no plans for including a backpack.

--- End quote ---

I personally think it would be very cool. Opens up a whole new class of weapons (and makes heavy worth it). Something like .50 cal hip-carried guns. Heavy flamers. Heavy plasma.
Something akin to heavy cannon and auto-cannon from the old X-Com.

Backpacks too. Why? Because it's an aditional model attached to the back and because having your heavy weapon ammo pack take up your whole backpack inventory (basicly equiping a heavy weapon makes your backpack inventory unusable as long as you carry it) sounds like a decent trade-off.

Here's how the tank looks now:

The Pulse rifle will be finihsed shortly. I'm putting a bit of extra effort into the texture this time, adding worn edges and similar details.

Nice! Looks great


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