Technical support > Windows

End of mission - gathered items bug



first, sorry for my english, I'm French...
I got a bug on the game : when I finish a mission, there's no gathered items. If I try to pick an alien item in the battlescape, it crash and back to th geoscape, like nothing happened...
I saw it first in the 2.3.1, but it's on the 2.4 to.
I can't really play with this bug, so someone know how to fix it...


Which version of 2.4 are you running? I haven't seen this one myself. Something like that got fixed well over a month ago, though.

2.4 -dev, downloaded yesterday.
I forgot something : on my first saves on the 2.3.1, it worked.
Wich my logs?

The logs would help. If the available 2.4 version isn't recent, there's no telling.

And it' best not to use 2.3.1 saves but start a new game entirely.


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