Technical support > Linux

UFOpaedia Missing Descriptions

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--- Quote from: YY.Cherubim on June 07, 2011, 11:13:23 pm ---So in poking around the ufoai site I came across some possibilities.

  I downloaded the ufo-en.po from SourceForge and compiled it into the en/LC_MESSAGES. Still no change in the UFOpaedia.

  I attempted to update the po files and received the error:

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Updating po files will not solve your problem. The po-check makescript doesn't read client/campaign directory anymore, probably you have an old source.


geever thanks for the tips,

 I checked the options within the game menu and there are no available languages for me to select.  So I added the startup parameter LANG=en and eureka!

I guess you should always try the easy things first.  Anyway, I appreciate the help.  Thanks for all you do and the great game.


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