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Author Topic: This is my big problem with the game: I hawe hard time deciding when do i need t  (Read 3851 times)

Offline beautyhorse

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This is my big problem with the game: I hawe hard time deciding when do i need to expand. I bulid bases wayyy too slowly because buliding new ones hinders the development of the old ones... Sometimes i only have one base which i know is BAD! So i ask, when should i bulid new bases, where (close to old ones or far away from them) What should new bases consentrate on? etc etc...

Yes when it comes to financial planning i am a bit noob... Also a liitle hint the amount of money is hard to figure... Yes if i watch closely i can make it out, but could it be plased this way: 3 456 845€ instead of: 3456845€ ? That is a good number for example if i may say so  Grin loooong and chaotic!

Offline jerm

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IMO, you aren't spending enough. Holding back 3million is kinda pointless. It's not like you get interest on your savings.  ;D

At the beginning of the month, spend as much as you can but leave about 8-900k in case new tech becomes available for you to manufacture. Don't forget you can sell spare alien weapons (and you'll get TONS), alien armor and other alien crap you're not using (don't sell plasma grenades though).

Try to plant bases in the middle of a land mass. Like the centre of the US, S.America, Russia, Australia, that kind of stuff. Oh, don't forget the antartica too. Them alien bitches LOVE the Arctics.