Development > Artwork
Fuel Tank V2
--- Quote from: MCR on May 29, 2011, 09:45:00 am ---btw, if you have a 512x512 pixel texture for the fueltank (models/aircraft/craft_item_fuel/fuel.png) you've made, we could use that also...
--- End quote ---
I made a 512x512 image, and a normalmap, for the fuel tank:
(Licensed under CC-BY-3.0)
I had to update the UVmap because the separate seams were running into eachother and causing some odd effects (The new images won't work with the old model). The problem is that I don't know how to export out from blender 2.57 into md2 format. I can export into a different format such as .obj, .x3d, .3ds, so someone who owns different software with a 3D exporter needs to finish the conversion. Is Destructavator able to do it? He seemed to be better at blender->ufo.
(Actually, I just went ahead and stuck everything in the /converted subdirectory linked above.)
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