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Author Topic: Geoscape hangs with attached save  (Read 3969 times)

Offline Screet

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Geoscape hangs with attached save
« on: June 29, 2011, 12:25:59 am »
After the recent problems (see my other thread), I switched to the nightly of June, 19th. With some luck I evaded the problem from the other thread, but ran into something new:

Some UFOs were flying around and being fired upon by my units - and then geoscape slows down so much that it hangs. I was able to save, since the menu does work - but I cannot do anything on geoscape. Everytime I reload that savegame, geoscape hangs again.

So I just downloaded the most recent nightly - but the problem is still there.

I think it's a problem with too many fights being fought at the same time, but I'm not sure about that. Taskmanager shows 8% CPU load from UFO on my i7 (4x3.33 GHz).

Other problems (with all versions):
- When using Alt-Tab to go to another program or the desktop, the mouse is missing
- After returning from Alt-Tab sometimes the return key for saving files does not work, but the one from numpad does.

BTW: Is it meant that the sparrowhawk missiles are so rare that I can't even produce enough to equip my interceptors or am I just having bad luck with too many UFOs flying around?

Offline Screet

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Re: Geoscape hangs with attached save
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2011, 12:40:09 pm »
Additional bug report: Since updating the nightly my SAM sites do not autofire anymore. They did before, but now I have to manually make them shoot at the UFOs. Base SAM defence seems to work, though.

I think the world should also be able to produce more Sparrowhawks :D Now I have to let the UFOs fly away because there's not even a fraction of the required ammo avail on the market and my workshops also don't produce enough missiles. Am I missing some trick to shoot UFOs some other way without using up the rare ammo?

Offline geever

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Re: Geoscape hangs with attached save
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2011, 01:08:56 pm »
Additional bug report: Since updating the nightly my SAM sites do not autofire anymore. They did before, but now I have to manually make them shoot at the UFOs. Base SAM defence seems to work, though.

Known, fixed this morning. Don't build more installations until you update to a newer (fixed) version, it can cause serious inconsistencies in your savegame.


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Re: Geoscape hangs with attached save
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2011, 07:34:28 pm »
Some UFOs were flying around and being fired upon by my units - and then geoscape slows down so much that it hangs. I was able to save, since the menu does work - but I cannot do anything on geoscape. Everytime I reload that savegame, geoscape hangs again.

I loaded your savegame with the latest source, it works fine. I have 25-50FPS on an AthlonXP2000+.


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Re: Geoscape hangs with attached save
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2011, 02:50:06 am »
Just playing devil's advocate here. I'm sure the nations can't provide you with ALL their Sparrowhawks. How is each nation going to defend itself then? I'm assuming each nation is still going to have its own military forces and is only able to provide PhalanX with the surplus. You can't leave the rest of the world defenceless.

But I've been told by some other forumers that laser cannons are good.

Offline Screet

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Re: Geoscape hangs with attached save
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2011, 12:29:15 pm »
Thanks for looking into it! I just installed the newest nightly - results:

47.6 fps with that save file, but it hangs just the same. Interesting is that I noticed that the pop-ups for game speed change are flickering. 5s already slows down the UI to almost unusable (many seconds response time) and one further pretty much stops everything.

About the risk of savegame inconsistencies: Stupid me tried to build another UFO yard yesterday in the nightly I was using then - and before switching to the newest nightly, I already had a problem there. Everytime I click that UFO yard, it shows me the info for SAM site 1. Ouch! However, when I switched to the newest nightly, that problem did persist but until now (a few mins of testing) I didn't notice any new problems.

Have to see wether this nightly does also fix the problem with the Assault Rifle Full Auto and 3-shot not updating the movement points. The last nightly still had that problem.

Ohhh...and should it really be possible to research building a nano suit if the alien materials required for it have not been researched yet?

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Re: Geoscape hangs with attached save
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2011, 01:00:55 pm »
Just noticed...the second UFO yard which I did build before switching to the newest nightly and which was instantly unclickable (responding as SAM site 1) is shown with the label "UFO yard 0" while the first one I did build is shown as "UFO yard 1" - so it should have gained the number 2 instead of 0. Maybe this hints as to what went wrong with that one, since it's not from a broken save but was broken instantly after building it.

Offline geever

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Re: Geoscape hangs with attached save
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2011, 01:51:14 pm »
About the risk of savegame inconsistencies: Stupid me tried to build another UFO yard yesterday in the nightly I was using then - and before switching to the newest nightly, I already had a problem there. Everytime I click that UFO yard, it shows me the info for SAM site 1. Ouch! However, when I switched to the newest nightly, that problem did persist but until now (a few mins of testing) I didn't notice any new problems.

The two installations may have the same ID, so on clicking one it may find the other. A solution is to destroy one of them and rebuild.
