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Author Topic: How to create more emotional attachment to the troops and more RPGisms in game  (Read 4855 times)

Offline szopen

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I know it's probably not polite to start a membership in the forum with a feature request, but I hope i will be forgiven.

I love the game. Usually, when I play it, I don't like to think about the soldiers as about simple meat for guns; I'd love to think about them having them character, past, feelings etc. Quite childish, I know, but this make me think whether it would be possibly to add  --relatively cheaply-- some features which would help to create such emotional attachment from player to the soldiers, so he would want to keep them even if they are not so good. Some of those ideas are really trivial.

Before you go into reading the list, please keep in mind that what I wanted to achieve is to add more RPGism into the game. I am not sure whether developers' idea about the game is compatible with this approach; definetely I hope it is.

1) Medals. After the mission, if the soldiers had some exceptional achievement; like shot three aliens in a mission -- he can get a medal of some kind. This wouldn't change a bit in soldiers stats; the only effect is a candy for the player. The changes needed: in most basic form, just a few lines of text in soldiers description and after the mission. Later some artwork could be added.

2) The newspapers. After some civilian is killed, the press attacks the PHALANX. After a female soldiers gets an medal (See 1) ), after first soldier gets 10th mission etc etc. In most basic form, it could be an email as "Commander, as usual I made a digest of a local press. You may be interested by the article in the local newspaper"... Later, some artwork could be added (think pretending real papers). Later, newspapers could reflect happiness of the nations.

3) The interviews :) Some jerk from the press wants to interview PHALANX heroes. You agree, your soldier is unavailable for some time. You don't agree, no problem. It may influence happiness of the nations. Changes needed: that the soldier is unavailable for some period, but he receives the pay. He can't be transferred, attached to the ship, he can't participate in the mission. After some time he goes back.

4) The VACATIONS! Because soldiers are human too. Surely they would want from time to time visit their family. No, really, keep reading. I am not saying about taking a hollidays, but say you got an email from your soldier with request of vacations, because their father is sick, mother died etc. Definetely would need keeping track of such events (we wouldn't want the soldier to ask for permit to go the funeral of his/hers mother for the tenth time). You could refuse (by simply ignoring the email). Changes needed: a checkbox "on vacation" with the soldiers. They would be unavailable for the mission. You could call them back from the vacation at any moment, but it would in reality take some time before they would go (som status like "vacation cancelled... in a way to the base").

5) Battle fatigue. Combined with the previous. If you won't give the vacation, you get an email from the doctor (if you have hospital) saying that X needs a holliday, since the doctor is affraid of his mental health. If you keep ignoring such requests, the best thing: DESERTERS! Yeah. And then you decide whether to catch the deserter, whether to admit him back to the ranks, or have him shot.
Yes, this would modify heavily tactics: you would need more soldiers, and you would have to spare them, exchange them etc. The game would be harder. Also, it would need more than adding some text in some places, like in 1-3) proposals.

6) Can soldiers have friends and enemies? During recruitment, soldier would have at random assigned 1 or 0 friends (or enemies). If two enemies are in the same base, the soldier would ask for transfer. If friend dies, morale falls, you get a report from the medic etc etc.

7) Soldier character traits. Does not change gameplay. Just to inform the player, that the soldier X likes the trouble; the other is shy; etc. A bit similar as the proposal of providing "background" for the soldier, which is -- if i am not mistaken -- already in the list of accepted proposals.

8) Random events to create more RPG character. Imagine you got an email "Commander. I am affraid that during the last visit in base I found that our soldiers started making booze. This is serious offense, with participation of X. I suggest consequences..." Of course, this would be solely to the add some colour to the story, and wouldn't change a playback. Other similar idea "Commander. The senator X wants to visit a base. " and then "Commander. I was able to tell politely senator X that he can't". Or "The X from Tokyo wants to sue us for faling to protect civilians. Our law department already works on the case, I am just wanting to keep you informed". Such emails are I think relatively easy to implement, while they would add some RPGism to the game.

9) List of killed soldiers, with the place and date of death.

10) Maybe the requirement, that the player should "sign" a letter to the "family of KIA soldier" (by just clicking in appriopriate place). Just to create a feeling of real loss. Or emails from family of KIA. Or maybe that would be too much...

Anyway, this were my ideas. I hope you would like them, though after reading the TODO list I realise the chances for implementation are not great.

Offline Destructavator

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I understand what you're asking for, but unfortunately most of it goes in a different direction than what this game intends to be.  This game simply isn't supposed to be RPG-like, and isn't supposed to have so much detail with the individual lives of the characters the players control.

Adding simulation of all these additional aspects of each character would cause at least two main issues:

First, it would pull the player away from playing the rest of the game, and steer the main elements of game-play off-course from the main goals.

Second, it would mean a lot more to manage and worry about for the player, leading to issues of micromanagement of each soldier's life.

That being said, there are however some long-standing plans that have not yet been implemented for cyber/bionic/tech implants, psi-type stuff, etc., that would make soldiers last longer and not be so expendable, allowing a player to invest in the characters a little.  I know that's hardly what you're asking for, but mostly that's the closest there will be to all of what you posted.

Offline Hertzila

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I know it's probably not polite to start a membership in the forum with a feature request, but I hope i will be forgiven.

I love the game. Usually, when I play it, I don't like to think about the soldiers as about simple meat for guns; I'd love to think about them having them character, past, feelings etc. Quite childish, I know, but this make me think whether it would be possibly to add  --relatively cheaply-- some features which would help to create such emotional attachment from player to the soldiers, so he would want to keep them even if they are not so good. Some of those ideas are really trivial.

Before you go into reading the list, please keep in mind that what I wanted to achieve is to add more RPGism into the game. I am not sure whether developers' idea about the game is compatible with this approach; definetely I hope it is.

1) Medals. After the mission, if the soldiers had some exceptional achievement; like shot three aliens in a mission -- he can get a medal of some kind. This wouldn't change a bit in soldiers stats; the only effect is a candy for the player. The changes needed: in most basic form, just a few lines of text in soldiers description and after the mission. Later some artwork could be added.

2) The newspapers. After some civilian is killed, the press attacks the PHALANX. After a female soldiers gets an medal (See 1) ), after first soldier gets 10th mission etc etc. In most basic form, it could be an email as "Commander, as usual I made a digest of a local press. You may be interested by the article in the local newspaper"... Later, some artwork could be added (think pretending real papers). Later, newspapers could reflect happiness of the nations.

3) The interviews :) Some jerk from the press wants to interview PHALANX heroes. You agree, your soldier is unavailable for some time. You don't agree, no problem. It may influence happiness of the nations. Changes needed: that the soldier is unavailable for some period, but he receives the pay. He can't be transferred, attached to the ship, he can't participate in the mission. After some time he goes back.

4) The VACATIONS! Because soldiers are human too. Surely they would want from time to time visit their family. No, really, keep reading. I am not saying about taking a hollidays, but say you got an email from your soldier with request of vacations, because their father is sick, mother died etc. Definetely would need keeping track of such events (we wouldn't want the soldier to ask for permit to go the funeral of his/hers mother for the tenth time). You could refuse (by simply ignoring the email). Changes needed: a checkbox "on vacation" with the soldiers. They would be unavailable for the mission. You could call them back from the vacation at any moment, but it would in reality take some time before they would go (som status like "vacation cancelled... in a way to the base").

5) Battle fatigue. Combined with the previous. If you won't give the vacation, you get an email from the doctor (if you have hospital) saying that X needs a holliday, since the doctor is affraid of his mental health. If you keep ignoring such requests, the best thing: DESERTERS! Yeah. And then you decide whether to catch the deserter, whether to admit him back to the ranks, or have him shot.
Yes, this would modify heavily tactics: you would need more soldiers, and you would have to spare them, exchange them etc. The game would be harder. Also, it would need more than adding some text in some places, like in 1-3) proposals.

6) Can soldiers have friends and enemies? During recruitment, soldier would have at random assigned 1 or 0 friends (or enemies). If two enemies are in the same base, the soldier would ask for transfer. If friend dies, morale falls, you get a report from the medic etc etc.

7) Soldier character traits. Does not change gameplay. Just to inform the player, that the soldier X likes the trouble; the other is shy; etc. A bit similar as the proposal of providing "background" for the soldier, which is -- if i am not mistaken -- already in the list of accepted proposals.

8) Random events to create more RPG character. Imagine you got an email "Commander. I am affraid that during the last visit in base I found that our soldiers started making booze. This is serious offense, with participation of X. I suggest consequences..." Of course, this would be solely to the add some colour to the story, and wouldn't change a playback. Other similar idea "Commander. The senator X wants to visit a base. " and then "Commander. I was able to tell politely senator X that he can't". Or "The X from Tokyo wants to sue us for faling to protect civilians. Our law department already works on the case, I am just wanting to keep you informed". Such emails are I think relatively easy to implement, while they would add some RPGism to the game.

9) List of killed soldiers, with the place and date of death.

10) Maybe the requirement, that the player should "sign" a letter to the "family of KIA soldier" (by just clicking in appriopriate place). Just to create a feeling of real loss. Or emails from family of KIA. Or maybe that would be too much...

Anyway, this were my ideas. I hope you would like them, though after reading the TODO list I realise the chances for implementation are not great.

In the order of appearance:

1. The rank system is the closest thing to this, even if it is dependent on stats. The rank may or may not be also displayed on their unifroms., I don't remember exactly what the verdict for it was. Not sure if this age old thread is still in effect but here it is anyway.
2. While I think the nations could be more open on exactly what is bugging them and what they actually want PHALANX to do, PHALANX is still supposed to be an open secret. That is, it doesn't officially (openly) exist but everybody kinda knows about it, very vaguely. So I don't think newspapers could report about it, at least with anything more than "The mysterious agency kicked alien ass once again."
3. ^^^Similarly for this.
4. I think there was at some point plans for this (the removed team room mentioned this) but I think it was abandoned as too much micromanaging. Which may be true.
5. ^^^
6. I think this is complicating things too much. Also, it's supposed be an elite unit! I know it's hard to believe but really. An elite unit from all over the world. I don't think you could get in there if you can't work with everybody.
7. I think useless background traits should be left out but I still hold the same opinion I said in this thread (traits and trainable perks might actually be a nice addition). There weren't a verdict for these either, if my memory serves.
8. Micromanaging, or rather spamming, is bad.
9. Maybe... but I think this is low priority.
10. Too complicated for a small, maybe even nonexistant, gain IMO.

Welcome to the forums! Hopefully we didn't scare you already...
« Last Edit: April 07, 2011, 03:21:59 am by Hertzila »

Offline Lisander

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I agree with the bosses, too many micromanagement would make the game boring. And if you have a hero soldier in your squad you want to have it ready to fight ALWAYS (if he is about dying in the hospital, dont worry, move him knocked out to the firebird and apply several medikit uses on the first turn).

But i really love the idea of a list of kia soldiers, with their names, stats, rank, postumous awards... and the place and date of their deaths!
Is this possible?  Several times, after dozens of missions, i remember "the nice guy with the shotgun" (i really loved that one) or the "scorcher guy who was killed when exploring alone that house in the middle of the desert". It would it be nice to put them faces and names again...

Offline parjlarsson

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I think the thread you're looking for is this:

Medals - yes, fairly simple to implement. Doesn't affect gameplay balance. Sort of like "achievements" in many Steam and Blizzard games. "Medal of <insert> for killing 3 aliens in one mission." "Croix de Bataille - ten successful missions". Tiny little things on the Equip Soldiers screen.

Newspapers - make a template, code it yourself, make it a mod.

Interviews and more micro-managing - not really what we need, the game is bogged down enough.

Vacations - same, if you can code it, I'd like to see it.

Combat fatigue - same.

List of killed soldiers - not a bad idea, code it and make it happen.

Overall, I agree that games are more memorable when there's emotions involved. Which is why I loved WoW for so long, especially the open world pvp that used to be integral to it, and the server communities, and caring what happened at any one time.

But - when you want to add stuff like this, it has to be easy, simple and above all it has to work. And you gotta be willing to learn to code it and make it happen yourself.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2011, 06:28:44 pm by parjlarsson »

Offline Sarin

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Newspaper stuff isn't gonna happen, if you read the backstory, PHALANX is supposed to be kept secret....

Offline jerm

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I represent the Scientist and Engineer Humanitarian Union. In response to the proposal that combat personnel receive annual vacations, sick leave and combat medals, we demand that scientists and engineers also receive this perk. We also demand to have our accomplishments recognized and noted in the form of achievement badges and medals. I am sure digging through alien guts and gore for 3 weeks in a row justifies this small gesture from PhalanX.

I would also like to request the transfer of Emery Johnson (research assistant) to PhalanX North Magnetic Pole Outpost. His promiscuous behavior in PhalanX HQ is having a detrimental effect to team morale.

Yours sincerely,

Head of Research, Jeremy

^^^ This is probably why you wouldn't want to implement those extra stuff.