Thanks, I'll check it out again!
Thinking a bit more about it, this is what I want out of a UI:
Selected soldier:
Left and right hand gear.
Standing or crouching - the Alternative HUD has a great way of doing this, but it's kinda funny how it animates into it each new soldier you select. Plus the other animation is jerky as all hell in some react fire settings (Machine Guns, slow camera settings).
TUs, health, morale. (I've never seen morale have an effect on gameplay though.)
Full name and rank.
Easily selectable mode of firing and mode of react fire. NOT hidden behind a click-to-see menu.
Easily selectable (same as above) react fire - yes/no setting. I don't need a "fire only once in react fire" mode.
Number of aliens this specific soldier can see, and a button or key to cycle through them (currently my favourite "T" key).
Ammo left.
Goggles use button.
Always visible at a glance, no matter who or what you have selected:
TUs left to burn in a round, and health of each individual person.
Headshot portraits of all the guys in the squad - simple, easy way to see who's who and wearing what armour.
How many aliens visible overall.
Vertical level.
End of round button. Usually you'd press a key, or ...accidentally press a key that's too close to your camera control keys. But some people are one-handed or eat sandwiches.