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Author Topic: Writer, video editor, military mercenary guy would like to help.  (Read 2266 times)

Offline parjlarsson

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10.9 years in the US Navy. 3 Gulf deployments. Solo test dives in Atmospheric Dive Suits (google it) down to 2,000ft. Qualified on all military diving equipment known to mankind (damn near).
1 year bodyguarding in India.
Other security/intel work, experience drafting classified Conf/Secret messages.
Published writer, expert-level English.
Former WoW pvp/pve movie maker with ~400,000 views, longest movie 1h33min.
Chaos Gate faq writer (

Just managed to get the game working last night, played til 0430 and noticed stuff I can fix:

intro_sequence.txt - I can toss stuff together if you tell me what you want, how long, and in an easy-to-write txt format. I have zero coding experience but I can copy/paste. Show me the backstory or no story and I'll come up with something.

UFOpaedia - should really be UFOpedia imho. It seems somewhat ready to go on the wiki at

...but it's not in game. I'm guessing that's a ways off due to getting it into the right format.

If you just need a blurb for each in-game entry in a text file, then I can knock out a hundred of those in a day. They won't be accurate, but it'll be something.

I'm currently job-hunting so not right now, but conceivably later on I could make a pretty spiffy little intro/advertising video for the game. See my past WoW work or my rl film here:

Offline parjlarsson

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Re: Writer, video editor, military mercenary guy would like to help.
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2011, 11:06:02 pm »
Sample intro_sequence that I could write better if you pointed me to the story stuff:

The year is 2056.

Mankind is stable and prosperous yet constantly on the brink of self-extinction from the possibility of nuclear war.

Through relentless diplomacy and international commerce the threat is held at bay.

The nation-states of the 20th century have mostly given way to the even greater political, commercial and military blocs and alliances of the 21st century.

Then the aliens attacked without warning.

Mankind, faced with the threat of un-mankind, bands together and pools our research and military resources to form PHALANX.

You're in charge. Save us all.

Offline Mattn

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Re: Writer, video editor, military mercenary guy would like to help.
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2011, 07:27:38 am »
you have to compile the language files - if you see *_txt in the game you don't have them.

we really need help with writing and video editing. check the artwork forum for the intro video thread.