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Author Topic: Newbie guide?  (Read 17934 times)

Offline parjlarsson

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Newbie guide?
« on: May 01, 2011, 10:55:56 am »

If you worked on this project I love you. In a totally non-inappropriate way.

I played through the campaign, learned a bunch of stuff and thought - hey, wouldn't it be great if someone had written a quick easy guide on obvious bugs and issues currently affecting the game?

Is there something like that as of now, or should I start one?

Few issues I was going to cover (all on an iMac):
1. Opening doors must be done for each person going through the opening, the door has to be closed and re-opened for each person.
2. Your first base should really be in the middle of a big landmass, or else you'll shoot down UFO's over water and poo for you.
3. It's a good idea to write down all the keyboard commands on a piece of paper. Some that were missing from the in-game list:
X - cycle react fire
End - brings up a "radar" screen (goggles-related??)
ASWD and the arrow keys are decent ways to make sense of confusion. The numbers on the left of the screen tells you how much vertical terrain is displayed, controlled by the up/down arrow keys.
F/R tilts the camera
4. Pressing "Esc" a little too quick can get ugly when you accidentally start a base defense with no save game and some people without gear or weapons.
5. Pleased is better than Content. I think.
6. Camouflage colours do not affect enemy chance to hit. I think.
7. If you keep forgetting who's good at what or carrying what weapon, put an S for sniper, H for heavy and A for assault behind their last name.
8. UGV stands for...?
9. If your darn base is too big, make a quick drawing of it on a piece of paper and you can plan your sweep defense better.

Offline parjlarsson

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Re: Newbie guide?
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2011, 10:20:53 pm »
10. To "capture" an alien you have to do something that I haven't figured out yet - but it has nothing to do with Flashbang grenades. I'm sure of that. I tossed about 6 or 7 of them on one alien. Turns out they just keep the dude from doing anything for a round. Or two?
11. An AA-51 handheld missile launcher is not handheld - it slots into your base missile defence.
12. ECM means your aircraft is more likely to survive an attack.
13. UGV stands for Unmanned Ground Vehicle and I managed to build one but not use it.
14. Difficulty level doesn't seem to have an effect on AI - it's more about the meta game in the geoscape, and how much money you lose etc.
15. If you decided to shoot something and then changed your mind or just wanted to check the range/hit percentage, Esc won't work - just right click instead.
16. Your Stiletto fighter aircraft die alot on Insane difficulty. Apparently there's some alien craft you're not supposed to attack with them. No clue which or how to tell.
17. First Aid kit goes in Holster. Always.
18. Smoke grenades and Frag grenades in belt.
19. Ammo in backpack - you'll hardly ever have to reload, except the two Shotgunners you bring on every mission, for covering both sides of the big alien ship as you tip-toe inside.
20. 2 Shotguns, a sniper rifle, a machine gun and the rest assault rifles. Boring but safe and effective. Everyone but shotgunners just need one reload, but take two to be safe. There's a way to get the MG a machine pistol in his backpack with two ammo drums.
21. Every new map hit F to tilt, up arrow to see 2nd level and then zoom around a bit. It's more fun to play when the action is close up. Inside buildings/alien space ships hit R to tilt down.
22. Smoke saves lives.
23. Run the wounded person over to the person who will heal them. Saves time. Or leave the wounded in react if you can.
24. If you click on the firing solution menu and then switch guys, it won't adjust. You have to click off the menu and back one to see what the new one has selected for react fire. Always go 3-round burst or 5-round burst (or snap fire for sniper).
25. Most of the heavy weapons are cool but not terribly useful except in very special circumstances, since they can't all react fire.
26. It's actually spelled "bungalow".
First playthrough on insane difficulty? No wonder you have problems...

Stilettos are more capable than saracens, but they are slower and have lower range, just ignore harvesters (triangular UFO, speed 1110 km/h), send solo crafts on scouts (770 km/h), and doubleteam fighters (880 km/h, look almost like scouts)
28. I managed to bring up a radar screen once by pressing "End" on my iMac keyboard. No clue how since I haven't been able to do it again.
29. Night missions are a pain and usually you're better off waiting for the morning.
30. Aircraft armour is not repairable, so don't play chicken with a fighter (880mph UFO guys) trying to pull it into range of your base missile defence.
31. Geoscape air combat looks pretty cool if you zoom in all the way and go slow. It's possible to lure the UFO's in over land.
32. The Production queue results are unf. not checked under the Production tab, but under Base Summary.
33. You can't walk backward. This leads to stupid tactics when you're trying to edge out backward to see a bad guy on the roof of a building you're next to.
34. Taking a screenshot on a Mac will be a pain if your Function keys do other stuff.
35. A guy crouching in front and a guy standing behind him with a shotgun means the guy in front gets hurt. By the shotgun. So no firing over your buddies.
36. You will eventually use some Sniper and Shotgun ammo.
37. Fun fact: if you have a choice between an aimed shot at 43% and a 3-round burst at 17% the effective chance for one hit on target is ~.75% different. Source:
38. Combat missions are stupidly easy if you play safe and let the aliens walk into fields of fire. The "hard" part of the game is in the geoscape trying to keep nations happy and getting the research done fast. Meh. Not enough aliens per mission and no real reason not to auto-play it, except I'm here to play tactical warfare against aliens, not to play business manager.
39. "Standard" loadout of Stilettos apparently are: Shiva, 2xSparrowhawk, TC, ECM and no armour.
40. - seems some Heavy weapons sometimes use the "Assault" skill etc. Counter-intuitive and needlessly complicated to have a weapon use more than one skill-set.
41. There's no soldier health indication on the "Equip" page. Watch out - you might inadvertently send out a badly injured guy unless you check the Hospital or selection or employee pages.
42. There's a rescue zone by each dropship. It's not terribly useful or obvious why it's there. I still have no clue how I got the "Radar" screen to show up, or if it was related.
43. Plasma pistols really aren't that great. SMG's are, though. Standard loadout is: 1 sniper rifle, 1 MG, 2 SMG, 4 Assault Rifles. Shotguns are nice but the SMG is better.
44. Sometimes the TU's won't count down after you do stuff. Display bug.
45. The Stiletto ammo reload system is unclear and clunky. It's hard to know if you have enough missiles in stock or not sometimes, or if/when you have to manually reload. Speaking of which that entire "Equipment" page for aircraft has too many menus. It should just be one page with all the slots and ammo readout on one single page.
46. If you leave gear on the ground it comes with you at the end of a mission. Don't know about soldiers you lost, but I think you get the gear back.
47. UGV counts as an employee but I've never been able to use it. To be implemented, it seems.
48. When you sell a captured UFO you get a thing with a list of different nations' attitude towards you. I don't *think* it has any bearing on price or effect of selling to this or that state.
49. After you produce something you have to pay for it. I think. So it's really only useful for keeping a steady supply of missiles or building stuff you can't buy.
50. Forum rumour has it that you have to fly around a bunch to find the enemy base. I used a Firebird for that. He got shot down. I was sad.
51. I found a special mission called "The Gate" - it was cool and had no effect on anything afaik.
52. IR goggles work 360deg around you, with a limited range. I think.
53. When nations lose faith in you there's only one real way to fix it - build a base there. SAM- and Radar-sites won't cut it.
54. Early on, assault rifles, SMGs, MGs and sniper rifles rule. Then aliens start wearing armour and it's a mess for a while until you get Plasma Rifles.
55. People getting shot and continuing on like it's no big deal is a bit ...unrealistic. But oh well. If you really want to know how it works google "Russian Testing of body armor for durability".
56. The clunkiest part of the standard UI is probably figuring out who got injured and choosing firing modes/react fire mode.
57. My ideal UI would have no menus and no extraneous clutter.
58. If you have missile batteries in your bases you can get the UFOs to yo-yo in and out of range by popping up a Stiletto and then sending it back in, just stop it as soon as it comes out of the base. Kinda unfair on the enemy AI.
59. Ammo isn't a big deal early on, but damn that alien armour.
60. Whomever put "E" for "End Round" with the key being that close to the WASD camera movement keys... damn man. Evil.
61. I triggered the IR goggles (still haven't figured out if they see through terrain - think not) and a row of plate glass windows all busted. Lol.
62. Still no clue how ammo replenishment for aircrafts work.
63. Selling UFOs to the nation with the least happiness works wonders for your reputation.
64. There's no immediately intuitive way to tell in-game what weapons and ammo work well against what types of armour. Damn I wish I had the research texts in-game.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2011, 06:23:49 pm by parjlarsson »

Offline Hertzila

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Re: Newbie guide?
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2011, 12:09:25 pm »
...Has the developement version re-implemented flashbangs and smokes? And they work??

For the record, capturing aliens requires either a stun rod, CHOKE gas grenades or electrolaser, in the order of appearance IIRC.

Offline geever

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Re: Newbie guide?
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2011, 12:12:27 pm »
...Has the developement version re-implemented flashbangs and smokes? And they work??



Offline Hertzila

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Re: Newbie guide?
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2011, 01:37:21 pm »
...Has the developement version re-implemented flashbangs and smokes? And they work??

For the record, capturing aliens requires either a stun rod, CHOKE gas grenades or electrolaser, in the order of appearance IIRC.


In this case, what version are you playing parjlarsson? Flashbangs and smokes were removed years ago.

Offline Sarin

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Re: Newbie guide?
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2011, 03:02:41 pm »
They are in development version, but I don't think they work...

Offline parjlarsson

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Re: Newbie guide?
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2011, 06:28:42 pm »
Sure seem to work for me. I flashbang'd (lol) one alien to try to capture - didn't work ofc, now I know why - and he just walked around a bit before I shot him. Smoke has a nifty graphical effect that unf. cuts through walls and floors, but at least seems to make aliens less likely (maybe) to shoot into the cloud.

Above link is how I got the game to work on my 5-year-old iMac.

Some crashes, but usually not during gameplay.

Some bugs:

1. C for Crouch will play the crouching animation for more than one character, including people already crouching.
2. The un-crouching animation plays the part for the body armour .5 seconds before the body, leaving the soldier kinda like a turtle popping its head out of the shell. Lol.
3. The map "city+" with a vertical garage and a big ship (Harvester?) is just a bug-infestation waiting to happen. Soldiers spot aliens with LOS going through the back of their heads. Aliens trying to shoot through walls. Soldiers spotting stuff through walls. Fun map, though, liked it.
4. Defeat and Victory seems to have roughly the same effect as far as killing aliens and keeping your own guys alive is. Auto-playing missions, that is.
5. Quite often you'll end a mission in victory only to face the loading screen for the exact same mission. Again.
6. Firebird dropship gets shot down. You get a mission blurb about going to rescue your guys. I landed in a "training" map. Huh? Done the rescue thing a few times but never actually seen a blurb saying I rescued someone.
7. Gear will re-arrange itself periodically in your squad. Take it as an opportunity to cross-train your guys.
8. Some heavy weapons use the "Assault" skill - kinda counter-intuitive if it's listed under the "Heavy" category in the "Equip Soldiers" page.
9. I built a second base and put some Stilettos there. Made the Stilettos at my original base no longer show up anywhere except the Buy/Sell page. Unusable.
10. Geoscape bug: things on top of each other leads to you unable to select a dropship to go hit something - it might take a few tries or you'll have to wait til the Stilettos are out of there.
11. Dead soldiers continue to take fire sometimes.
12. SAMs fly backwards on the geoscape.
13. Plasma Rifles in react mode tend to fire all their burst shots at once instead of one at a time.
14. If you use Alternative HUD with a slower camera movement setting it's fairly obvious that the soldier shooting animation plays a bit separately from the actual shooting and way too long. Looks like the dude crouching there with a machine gun is having a seizure and shaking the rifle up and down in front of him. Then switch soldiers to another one who's crouching and he'll start standing up in the little portrait frame before playing the crouching animation.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2011, 05:28:00 pm by parjlarsson »

Offline parjlarsson

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Re: Newbie guide?
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2011, 01:55:34 am »
Tips/observations continued:

65. The Alternative HUD currently seems to be the best bet. Works awesome for almost everything except it has a too-small fire button and you have to press Esc to get out of that menu v.v. just right-click anywhere iirc with the Original HUD - means it's slightly more painful to set everyone's react fire setting across the board on the first round. You can only change HUDs in the Geoscape, and it sometimes takes a restart to get it right (Custom HUD messes up tooltips everywhere).
66. Machine Guns and Plasma Rifles all the way after a few months, unless you really know your way around the research trees. I don't. I'm also trial-and-error'ing my way through what's usable against armored aliens. SMGs ...are not. Guessing small caliber weapons don't do squat. It's not terribly intuitive in-game what's effective vs. what - but honestly I could do without playing with tons of different damage types. Fire against one alien species and electricity versus another - kinda ridiculous to me. If you shoot something in the real world a bullet will damage it, unless there's massive armour involved.
67. Electro-Magnetic Rifles are junk, mostly. Plasma Rifles are much better.
68. Healing people in tactical is way overpowered - it's tons better and faster and useful than hospitals. First Aid kits needs a charge and be a stop-bleeding kind of effect instead of the current magic-fixer-upper thing. It's like a damn magic potion.
69. People who kill their friends should immediately lose all morale.
70. People who get shot should immediately crouch and lose half their remaining TUs for the round.
71. Afaik Stun Rod does not work in react fire mode.
72. There's way too many downed UFOs compared to how long it takes to research and get to the special missions.
73. Make your first base a research base with one extra small hangar for another Stilleto, eventually destroy the workshop and build more Laboratories and Living Quarters. 2nd is production. 3rd dunno - just whatever.
74. I recommend auto-playing base defense missions, unless your base is small. In 2.4 dev right now you'll win every time, which is a bug. But even so it takes too long to find the aliens whose AI dictate that they stay in the same general area until a soldier gets close. Booooooring.
75. I have no idea why you'd want to "kill all aliens in captivity."

Offline Hertzila

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Re: Newbie guide?
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2011, 02:45:44 am »
68. Healing people in tactical is way overpowered - it's tons better and faster and useful than hospitals. First Aid kits needs a charge and be a stop-bleeding kind of effect instead of the current magic-fixer-upper thing. It's like a damn magic potion.

Work In Progress, from what I remember. The medkit ovehaul has been in the plans for a long time.

75. I have no idea why you'd want to "kill all aliens in captivity."

Another WIP thing, the plan is (or at least was) to eventually allow the aliens free their captives if they reach them. So in case situation looks bad, you can at least deny them the opportunity to strengthen themselves during the mission.

Offline parjlarsson

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Re: Newbie guide?
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2011, 04:25:00 am »
Work In Progress, from what I remember. The medkit ovehaul has been in the plans for a long time.

Another WIP thing, the plan is (or at least was) to eventually allow the aliens free their captives if they reach them. So in case situation looks bad, you can at least deny them the opportunity to strengthen themselves during the mission.


And awesome. You guys rock. I see a problem if the aliens can free captives, in that so far I've never seen an opposing force with more than 7 aliens, I'm guessing there's a hard limit. If not, then it's even more awesome and I'd dearly love to see a base defense gone awry where I fight off 16 or 18 aliens. Or more.

Imho the tactical game is way too easy as is, though perhaps not if you intentionally stick to the non-sci fi weaponry. Which is the coolest part, for me.

Again, thanks all who worked on this.

Offline Sarin

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Re: Newbie guide?
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2011, 10:13:38 pm »
Seen 9 aliens in harvester already, and I think there will be more in even bigger UFOs that are yet to come...but there is a hard limit for each type of UFO.

Offline Hertzila

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Re: Newbie guide?
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2011, 01:05:21 am »
And awesome. You guys rock. I see a problem if the aliens can free captives, in that so far I've never seen an opposing force with more than 7 aliens, I'm guessing there's a hard limit. If not, then it's even more awesome and I'd dearly love to see a base defense gone awry where I fight off 16 or 18 aliens. Or more.

IIRC the maximum amount at present is 8 per side, thanks to engine limitations. It's planned to increase this limit to allow bigger forces, though I'm not sure how large. 15 is the maximum amount of PHALANX forces the best dropship can carry, so unless the limit is unlocked completely I'm guessing it would be around 20 per side in the final.

There was a post by the actual devs about the planned limit somewhere but I can't seem to find it now.

E: Nevermind, seems like this is older, obsolete information.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2011, 08:55:32 am by Hertzila »

Offline Sarin

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Re: Newbie guide?
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2011, 02:13:22 am »
Actually, I just had mission (Africa-Harvester) where I encountered 9 aliens. 6 of em bloodspiders, so it was more or less a turkey shoot.

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Re: Newbie guide?
« Reply #13 on: May 09, 2011, 07:26:31 am »
Actualy, max number of alien is depends on map limitation (number of spawn points), and currently is about 25-30. Also, it depends on difficulty level and alien interest (time of the game).
The problem is not in engine but in UI and player`s commands handling.

Offline Hertzila

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Re: Newbie guide?
« Reply #14 on: May 09, 2011, 08:54:22 am »
I see, well pardon my old information then.