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Author Topic: Newbie guide?  (Read 17932 times)

Offline geever

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Re: Newbie guide?
« Reply #15 on: May 09, 2011, 12:15:11 pm »
Actualy, max number of alien is depends on map limitation (number of spawn points), and currently is about 25-30. Also, it depends on difficulty level and alien interest (time of the game).
The problem is not in engine but in UI and player`s commands handling.

Yepp, difficulty and interest levels tell how much aliens come, aand

- map (spawnpoints)
- mapDef (maps.ufo)
- ufo max teamsize

And human controlled teams limited to 8 as you know. (I'm not sure if it's only the UI that limits it...)


Offline parjlarsson

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Re: Newbie guide?
« Reply #16 on: May 09, 2011, 05:45:27 pm »
76. We need an auto-save right before each mission in these hard and buggy times.
77. The "+shelter" map is a royal pain depending on blast doors and that one last damn alien that I simply couldn't find. Twice in a row. And I always lost the auto-mission so now I just plain won't bother with any mission that has "shelter" or "blast door" in the blurb.
78. The "+bridge" map is kinda funny. There's a bridge but you have nothing to do with it and hardly ever see it. Get MGs out in the main funnel in the middle, run your Plasma Rifle/Pistols up in the little hut and go to town. One alien will get stuck up in a corner if you go right.
79. There's a super gorgeous map called "+forest" that has a very nice little hollow in the water that will collect aliens like crazy, since the AI just counts how close to the soldiers they can get THAT turn, as opposed to if they take the long way around. At least I had some fun with grenades.
80. Crashed Firebird missions: "You might some your soldiers" should read "You might save some of your soldiers."
81. There's a sneaky way to instantly transfer equipment between bases - just sell it in one base and buy at another. Meh. If you like to exploit, I suppose.
82. First Aid kits are overpowered and I don't use them unless it's a life-threatening emergency in which case I only use it once. It's being looked at, apparently.
83. My favourite part of the game is really the beginning when things like SMGs and shotguns are useful. A few months later the early pistols and secondary weapons are just junk.
84. Fastest way to equip a guy: Armour, goggles, main weapon (MG or Plasma Rifle), then right-click Frag Grenade 3 times - one will block the hand slot, then whatever else grenades you want, then First Aid kit so it'll go right into the holster, then ammo for the main weapon and finally get rid of the grenade that's stuck in the off-hand slot.
85. No idea what "Production Limit 15" means.
86. I got 5 live aliens in my main base, then transferred in 5 more. I have not gotten a notice of research available, so I'm guessing there's another something that has to happen before I get the "<something>" proposal.
87. There's a female civilian face/head model that looks like she has a beard. Ooops.
88. The old maps with water streams on them ...yeah, can't walk through a shallow stream. Oh well. I hope to join the mapping team eventually.
89. We need a "WARNING: You are about to send out a Firebird carrying injured troops (with more than 5% injury). Are you sure?"

Offline Sarin

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Re: Newbie guide?
« Reply #17 on: May 09, 2011, 07:03:28 pm »
81. Selling and buying prices are different in 2.4, so you lose money everytime you do it.
83. I find secondary weapons quite useful, especially for soldiers carrying limited range weapons like flamers, GLs...a few times I drew them even with other soldiers when primary weapon ran out of ammo and didnt have time to reload. Depends on playing style, I guess.
87. Shemale, maybe? Lots of things can happen till 2084. Nice find tho, didn't noticed that.

Offline geever

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Re: Newbie guide?
« Reply #18 on: May 10, 2011, 11:13:54 am »
76. We need an auto-save right before each mission in these hard and buggy times.

There is an auto-save feature before each mission (quicksave). Press F2 in a campaign to reload it. (F1 does a quicksave manually).

80. Crashed Firebird missions: "You might some your soldiers" should read "You might save some of your soldiers."

Must be a bug, patches are welcome.

85. No idea what "Production Limit 15" means.

You can queue 15 productions at a time on that base (each Workshop adds 5)

86. I got 5 live aliens in my main base, then transferred in 5 more. I have not gotten a notice of research available, so I'm guessing there's another something that has to happen before I get the "<something>" proposal.

You should read proposals and tech reports. I won't uncover the story here.
I know you had problems with language files, you can read them on wiki

89. We need a "WARNING: You are about to send out a Firebird carrying injured troops (with more than 5% injury). Are you sure?"

Fill a Feature Request on SF.


Offline geever

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Re: Newbie guide?
« Reply #19 on: May 10, 2011, 11:16:14 am »
81. Selling and buying prices are different in 2.4, so you lose money everytime you do it.

No, it's not different. Sell price was always 90% of buy price. On UI buy prices are shown.
Buy and sell will be transfers actually, but not yet in 2.4.


Offline MCR

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Re: Newbie guide?
« Reply #20 on: May 10, 2011, 01:14:15 pm »

80. Crashed Firebird missions: "You might some your soldiers" should read "You might save some of your soldiers."

This should be corrected now.