Technical support > Feature Requests

Plasma warheads!!!


Ok, I am tired of my missile launcher being outmoded in a month, and, the grenade launcher gettign all the love with the plasma bombs.  Sometimes, I need something with a HELL of alot more range, and oomf than the thump gun.  Especially when they are in a tight cluster and out of range of even a bounced grenade.  Thing is, when I hit them with a normal HE rocket, the bugs all flip me the bird and laugh.  Well, I wonder what would happen if I hit them with a plasma warhead.  SUCKAS!  BOOM!

I too have been wondering, why on earth can't I build PB rockets for the rocket launcher, if the technology exist for the grenade launcher.
It just does not make sense.

BTW, rocket launcher was one of my favorites in original X-COM.

You are not the only one, there was another discussion about this, where you can see that an antimatter rocket is planned.

I've noticed the late-game gap for the rocket launcher as well. I wouldn't be surprised if this gets filled during 2.5's development cycle.


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