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Author Topic: Documentation missing  (Read 2675 times)


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Documentation missing
« on: September 26, 2006, 07:01:18 pm »
The UFO:AI download comes without any documentation. Usually people are referred to the wiki or some forum posts. However there may still be a number of people without (broadband) internet connection at home (including me). I understand that it is difficult to keep two versions of documentation (wiki and release) up to date. Therefore I suggest that there should be some downloadable wiki "snapshot". I imagine this would be a number of static HTML files which you can browse offline (of course without having perl or a wiki engine or a web server running).

Is there a chance that this will be realized? Obviously this requires some script to run periodically (once a day or maybe once a week) and gather the current wiki state and put it into a zip file.

Keep in mind that people who play UFO:AI for the first time are pretty lost in the beginning. There is not even a key binding list or a basic "how-to-play" document included. Same problem for people who want to build UFO:AI from sources...


  • Guest
Documentation missing
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2006, 08:03:06 pm »
may i refer you to some forum post? ;-)
keyconfig can be found in /base/keys.cfg


  • Guest
Documentation missing
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2006, 12:01:40 pm »
Grrrreat! That's a nice piece of work, I guess it will soon appear on the downloads page.

Concerning the dl page I have a small suggestion: It is not clear which downloads are need and which are optional. Some are for playing and some for developing only. For example the "map pack" is not needed for playing. Maybe it could be stated more explicitly "needed for playing", "needed for developing", "optional for playing". This will prevent unnecessary downloads.