Technical support > Linux

Unable to select units


I'm on my first story line mission. After the battlescape loaded, I was only able to select one of my units, the one that was slightly outside my aircraft. I couldn't select the other soldiers at all, even though I tried selecting higher and lower elevation levels. Is this a bug?


--- Quote from: EchizenR on April 03, 2011, 06:25:30 pm ---I'm on my first story line mission. After the battlescape loaded, I was only able to select one of my units, the one that was slightly outside my aircraft. I couldn't select the other soldiers at all, even though I tried selecting higher and lower elevation levels. Is this a bug?

--- End quote ---

maybe. make a bugreport on our tracker, take a screenshot and upload it and your ufoconsole.log too.


Was it the city map? A parking building?

Hi! I'm get some bug with select other units: move, shot sitdown and other actions may be only first unit, other(inside aircraft) don't selected.
Please help!

OS Ubuntu 11.04
game: AI 2.3.1 get from sourceforge "deb" files

fixed ))
all work!!


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