Hello. Is it possible to make reverse terrain?
terrain ceil floor
Terrain directives are used to achieve simple height-based terrain blending. The ceil and floor parameters specify the highest and lowest Z-axis coordinates where blending will occur. At Z coordinates less than floor, the base material texture will appear; at Z coordinates greater than ceil, the stage texture will appear. Linear interpolation is used to blend the two textures at Z coordinates between ceil and floor. Both parameters are required, and must be floating point numbers.
It is nice feature, but sometimes the better way to terrain in revers order (if Z less than floor, use stage texture). For example, if we have one middle texture and want to blent it on top and bottom of the texture, we need to use lower stage as base (ugly), or use 3 material entry, like
material tex_nature/sand
texture tex_nature/dirt002
terrain -10 0
texture tex_nature/sand
terrain 3 20
texture tex_nature/hedge001
terrain 55 62
proposed command: reverse_terrain, with the same syntax. Or add custom parameter to current terrain.
Or, may be there is some other ways to resolve this request (blend base texture with 2 stages, first upper and second lower than defined heights.