Technical support > Linux

Aerial Laser Cannon runs out of ammo?


2.3.1 on Ubuntu 10.10 here.
Game plays fine except for this part: I have a Saracen equipped with two laser cannons, which don't use ammo. However, when it goes into a fight, it shoots once and the message "your ship has ran out of ammo and is returning to base" appears. And effectively, the ship turns around and returns to base (if it isn't destroyed first).


--- Quote from: ideafix on February 20, 2011, 04:38:27 am ---2.3.1 on Ubuntu 10.10 here.
Game plays fine except for this part: I have a Saracen equipped with two laser cannons, which don't use ammo.

--- End quote ---

This is not truth. You don't need to add ammo for but it uses. You can fire 10 times before it empties, and it is automatically refilled on the base.

--- Quote from: ideafix on February 20, 2011, 04:38:27 am ---However, when it goes into a fight, it shoots once and the message "your ship has ran out of ammo and is returning to base" appears. And effectively, the ship turns around and returns to base (if it isn't destroyed first).

--- End quote ---

Create a bugreport on the Tracker, upload your savegame so we can check if there is a bug or not. Thanks!



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