Technical support > Mac

UFOAI for Mac???

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=D Count me in! So, for the feedback, are you also going to list bunch of questions we need to think about while playing the game, so we can give proper feedback?  :-\

Only problem is, I will only have time to play it during the weekend (Friday and Saturday).

If I am not picked as a tester, I'm cool with that. Like I said, only available on the weekend.
You should ask all the other mac users too, if they want to do the game testing as well. Someone who has more time on their hands.

it's only about:

is the game starting for you?
do you have music?

please always pastebin your ufoconsole.log

i will hopefully be able to upload the installer in the evening or tomorrow.

i'm currently uploading the installer - you will find it at (~850MB once the upload is done - sorry for the size - it's no release build and thus not stripped to the needed minimum)

Hi I just happened across your game and downloaded version 2.3.1A
When It finished downloading lastnight I started it up and Watched the Intro (With sound i believe) and played a mission with no issues that I recall until I tried to fly into another mission zone, the game stayed at the loading screen for about 10 minutes at which time i went to bed.
When I woke up game was loaded, so i have no idea how long that took. But now I am completely without sound and dont know how I can even get back to the intro to see if i still have sound there.
Also being a new mac user i havnt figured out how to uninstall and reinstall the game so i can see intro again.
Ironically. the last squad game I tried to play was Fallout tactics and the CD they sold in Canada was sent out WITHOUT the Sound Files!! DOH.
Anyways this looks like a great Game, Im hoping i can get the sound back, i really would like to get into it.


So, first of all, thanks Mattn!
I have downloaded the game and tried to start it. The good news: It started and it had sound. The bad news: After the loading screen, it crashed (perhaps problems with the video that should come, I don't know).
Here is my ufoconsole.log (hope it's the one you want) and the crash report which came after forcing it to quit.


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