Technical support > Mac

UFOAI for Mac???

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Hi everyone
For more than month, I try to start UFOAI 2.3.1 for mac, the STABLE (!) version of the moment. Because this version is always crashing at the start (as described in all the other recent topics in the Mac forum), I searched for solution in this forum. What I found were a lot of other frustrated users who have the same problem. What I didn't find even after long search was a statement of any developer or anyone else who really KNOWS something about it.

Now, my questions:
1. Has any mac-user been able to start the game?
2. Is there a solution that would be doable for some like me who has no experience with coding to play the game in this version? If not, why can't we download the latest really stable version (those of 2.2.x) anymore?
3. What is the future of this game for mac? Do we mac users have to wait for version 2.3.2 or version 2.4? Or will there be nothing more for mac users? Are developers trying to solve this problem or do they have too many other task to do?
4. Is there anything we mere mortals and not developer can do beside waiting and drinking tea?

Thanks for every response, especially if a developer would be so kind as to answer!

PS: Sorry for spelling mistakes or bad english... :P

that error is fixed in 2.3.2 - which is not yet available as binary download. but you can check out the git repo and compile on your own (no, you must not be a dev for this)

2.3.2 version for mac is fixed? Phew! With working sound and everything? I can't wait till it comes out! 2.3.0 had sound issues, 2.3.1 has crash issues, hopefully us mac users can finally experience the game what it supposed to be! :)

Good job, and keep up the good work! I knew that the UFO: AI team wouldn't let us mac users down!

I'm also really happy to hear this! Thanks!

Just one little question: Without wanting to be impatient, I would be interested to know when this version comes out... ;) Is this rather soon or do we have to wait for some months?

Whenever it comes out, thanks to every developer who is working on it (and also to the other developers)!

i will try to publish a pre-version for you - but i would need feedback from your side(s).


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