Technical support > Mac

Question re. compiling 2.3.1 for PPC/OSX 10.5

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I am around at the weekend and will have some time. Please join the irc for faster communication on saturday or sunday.

I have the exact same problem with those same missing files :

Setting custom data directory
Setting custom library directory
Could not find xvid.h
Could not find theora/theora.h
Found execinfo.h
Could not find bfd.h
Found sys/utsname.h
Could not find link.h
Could not find CUnit/Basic.h

Everything else seems to work

I have tried to /.configure as universal, non-universal and without radiant.

Haven´t got a successful /.configure so far. I´m going through each port uninstalling and installing as +uninversal. Perhaps there are some missing dependencies for these ports to work properly?

I´m trying to compile in any form on Tiger 10.4 Intel Imac

Export the cflags and ldflags to point to the macports include and lib dirs

did curl work for you as universal?

Hi thanks for the reply.

I put the code you suggested to dp:

export CFLAGS=-I/path/to/macports/includes
export LDFLAGS=-l/path/to/macports/lib

in my ./profile and it comes up in env now.

curl installed as +universal and most ports work as universal apart from gtk2 and those dependant.
gtk2 might now work as universal, there are a lot of updates and patches, but so far as I can find not for tiger.
jpeg installs as universal now as   jpeg @8c_0+universal

I just want to build a working game , with either universal or non universal binaries.


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