Technical support > Mac

Question re. compiling 2.3.1 for PPC/OSX 10.5

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try this:

--- Code: ---export CFLAGS=-I/path/to/macports/includes
export LDFLAGS=-l/path/to/macports/lib

--- End code ---

No help -- got the same messages. (I notice you used =-I for CFLAGS and =-l for LDFLAGS. Thinking one might be a typo, I tried all permutations.)

After some searching, I discovered that CFLAGS and LDFLAGS are flags for the compiler and linker, respectively, and my environment includes default paths to them. Therefore, changing those paths shouldn't affect the configure problems I've been reporting.

I concluded that Mattn was implicitly telling me to ignore those problems and try "make" again, after setting the flag paths per his instructions. Unfortunately, I got the same compiler errors as before:

gcc-4.0: -E, -S, -save-temps and -M options are not allowed with multiple -arch flags
make: *** [debug-darwin-powerpc/game/game/g_actor.c.o] Error 1

I found documentation about the compiler switches mentioned in the error message (

-S: Stop after the stage of compilation proper; do not assemble.

-E: Stop after the preprocessing stage; do not run the compiler proper.

-save-temps: Store the usual “temporary” intermediate files permanently.

-M: Instead of outputting the result of preprocessing, output a rule suitable for make describing the dependencies of the main source file.

-arch: Specifies the architecture of the target cpu(s), e.g, i386, ppc970, etc. Apple's GCC on Darwin does create “fat” files if multiple -arch options are used; it does so by running the compiler or linker multiple times and joining the results together with lipo.

I suspect the only one that should be used for my purposes is -arch. I've studied the makefile and makefile.local (the latter is created by the configure script) but don't understand them well enough to confidently delete the others. For example, I can't even find a place where the -save-temps switch is set.

I looked at the cflags files, to see whether there's anything obvious there that would enable me to easily change the compiler flags -- no dice.

I was hoping to learn the process for producing universal binaries and make them available to others so non-developer PPC users could run the dev version and participate in the beta testing (as well as run the stable version). But I'm spinning my wheels and can't make progress without help.


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