Technical support > Feature Requests
I want to fix the quirky economy
--- Quote from: Jon_dArc on May 08, 2012, 04:59:04 pm ---I don't agree, for a variety of reasons. To start with, you're dropping this market onto an already fundamentally unrealistic situation (it would take months, and require an inordinate amount of base real estate, to field so much as a battalion in UFO:AI), so you've got severely distorted demand there. Every piece of equipment that's available at the start of the game should, realistically, be effectively free compared to aircraft or installations. It'd be a mess.
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I mean comparatively, compared to other items of it's type.
A rifle and a modern aricraft prices are so different it's not even funny. And htat makes sense.
What doesn't make sesne that you can't turn any profit on selling state-of-the-art weaponry.
At the end of the day, this is a game, and economy is part of it. While it would be realistic for you to have all the funding of the world, that would make for a mroe boring game. But at the same time, if economoy exists, then it should be done right.
--- Quote from: kurja on May 08, 2012, 05:11:27 pm ---According to research reports, lab guys have already made the prototype, so it's cost is included there.
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Well, research costs nothing except the lab time.
Maybe add an aditional cost to some research?
Of course, one could say, especially for some of the costlier stuff, that most of the prices are in fact covered by the governments who still appreciate your presence in the world while you mostly pay for the basics. Maybe shipping too, while at it.
--- Quote from: geisthund on May 07, 2012, 09:07:06 pm ---... humanity would be smart enough to band together ...
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Either realistic or this ^. You can´t have it all.
--- Quote from: TrashMan on May 08, 2012, 07:06:34 pm ---What doesn't make sesne that you can't turn any profit on selling state-of-the-art weaponry.
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You can, to some extent—at the start of the game you can generally count on a Plasma Pistol or Kerrblade per alien (some have two weapons, some just have grenades, figure averaging at one) for in the vicinity of 1,600c per alien. Later on, suits of Alien Medium Armor start seriously increasing the average return per alien. Or did you mean researched weaponry rather than scavenged weaponry?
I think the potentially bigger economic problem is the relatively low limit on funding—might need to do some calculating to figure out how much cashflow one can expect from aliens, but it's not at all obvious that you can't end up unavoidably in the red by maxing out your bases/installations/etc.
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