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Feedback on Mechanics and Little Things

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Crazy Tom:

--- Quote from: Kemlo on February 03, 2011, 09:35:16 pm ---It depends on which version of Windows you're using.
In Windows 7 for example, you want:
Users -> username -> AppData -> Roaming -> UFOAI

AppData is a hidden folder though so make sure that hidden files and folders are shown (from Fodler and Search options in Explorer)

--- End quote ---

Ah, that explains it, thanks.

For UFO disassembly, could we have it so that we acquire items/resources from a UFO as disassembly progresses? For example, if the UFO is 71% damaged and it says it will give 2 units of UFO Propulsion, 100 units of Alien Materials, etc. when fully disassembled, then when at 50% disassembly, the General stores will have gained 1 UFO Propulsion and 50 units of Alien Materials. UFO disassembly is a very long process and it makes sense that we'd have access to parts as they're removed.


--- Quote from: Trifler on February 04, 2011, 11:45:44 am ---Plus it really sucks to lose the UFO Yard when disassembly is at 98%...

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You should defend them better.



--- Quote from: geever on February 04, 2011, 12:27:42 pm ---You should defend them better.


--- End quote ---

That was the least relevant part of my message. I've edited my message now.

Crazy Tom:
One more thing: I have more harvesters than I know what to deal with, even if I sell most of them, disassembly still takes a crapload of time. Shouldn't think kind fo work get subcontracted to somebody so it goes faster? :-\

In fact, shouldn't anything you manufacture eventually start showing up in the buy inventory? Including more esoteric equipment like plasma rifles and alien launchers? I can see why nobody would bother making UFO propulsion, or anything anti-mater powered, but aside from that?
Mostly I hate the disassembly times. We already sell off UFOs, so having somebody disassemble them for me while I focus on more immediate issues (like making enough PB grenades) shouldn't be a problem.


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