Technical support > Linux

Out of memory


Ubuntu 10.10, UFO:AI 2.3.1
I install it from, and i have one trouble
While in game I look for the RAM memory that uses UFO, and it near 200 Mb.
But after 5 minutes the cursor in the game start work slowly, and after few seconds computer stops work.
Console writes:
Out of memory
and Ubuntu starts to kill another process like Google Chrome for example

Please Help me
My PC is Asus 1215n with 2Gb RAM

Compiling from sources doesn't solve the problem
In 2.2.1 version I have the same problem

I find util named "testall"
Maybe it could help:

--- Code: ---
     CUnit - A Unit testing framework for C - Version 2.1-0

Suite: GenericTests
  Test: testConstInt ... FAILED
    1. src/tests/test_generic.c:114  - CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(out,2)
  Test: testLinkedList ... passed
  Test: testLinkedListStringSort ... passed
  Test: testStringCopiers ...
10000 copies with Q_strncpyz: 20 ms
10000 copies with UTF8_strncpyz: 19 ms
10000 copies with Com_sprintf: 554 ms
Suite: RoutingTests
  Test: testConnection ... passed
Suite: InventoryTests
  Test: testItemAdd ... passed
  Test: testItemDel ... passed
  Test: testItemMove ... passed
  Test: testItemMassActions ... passed
Suite: RandomMapAssemblyTests
  Test: testAssembly ... passed
  Test: testMassAssemblyParallel ... 0: 32 335
1: 34 310
2: 33 110
3: 35 713
4: 33 608
5: 35 5240
6: 29 521
7: 34 276
8: 34 10751
9: 37 1402
  Test: testMassAssemblyTimeout ... 0: 34 65
1: 34 65
2: 34 312
3: 34 3415
4: 29 849
5: 32 2728
6: 33 35922
7: 28 11510
8: 35 43002
9: 37 1552
    1. src/tests/test_rma.c:95  - time < 30000
    2. src/tests/test_rma.c:95  - time < 30000
  Test: testMassAssemblySequential ... 0: 34 65
1: 34 65
2: 34 310
3: 34 3451
4: 29 851
5: 32 2717
6: 35 1007739
7: 28 11521
8: 38 133413
9: 37 1554
    1. src/tests/test_rma.c:137  - time < 30000
    2. src/tests/test_rma.c:137  - time < 30000

--Run Summary: Type      Total     Ran  Passed  Failed
               suites        4       4     n/a       0
               tests        13      13      10       3
               asserts     662     662     657       5
--- End code ---

I think this test only check the time need to compute data. Maybe it mean your computer is very slow.

YOu can remove this test by using --remove-RandomMapAssemblyTests


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