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Author Topic: Out of memory  (Read 2575 times)

Offline Sorcerer

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Out of memory
« on: January 27, 2011, 08:43:52 pm »
Ubuntu 10.10, UFO:AI 2.3.1
I install it from, and i have one trouble
While in game I look for the RAM memory that uses UFO, and it near 200 Mb.
But after 5 minutes the cursor in the game start work slowly, and after few seconds computer stops work.
Console writes:
Out of memory
and Ubuntu starts to kill another process like Google Chrome for example

Please Help me
My PC is Asus 1215n with 2Gb RAM

Offline Sorcerer

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Re: Out of memory
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2011, 06:21:01 pm »
Compiling from sources doesn't solve the problem
In 2.2.1 version I have the same problem

Offline Sorcerer

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Re: Out of memory
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2011, 08:26:08 pm »
I find util named "testall"
Maybe it could help:
Code: [Select]

     CUnit - A Unit testing framework for C - Version 2.1-0

Suite: GenericTests
  Test: testConstInt ... FAILED
    1. src/tests/test_generic.c:114  - CU_ASSERT_EQUAL(out,2)
  Test: testLinkedList ... passed
  Test: testLinkedListStringSort ... passed
  Test: testStringCopiers ...
10000 copies with Q_strncpyz: 20 ms
10000 copies with UTF8_strncpyz: 19 ms
10000 copies with Com_sprintf: 554 ms
Suite: RoutingTests
  Test: testConnection ... passed
Suite: InventoryTests
  Test: testItemAdd ... passed
  Test: testItemDel ... passed
  Test: testItemMove ... passed
  Test: testItemMassActions ... passed
Suite: RandomMapAssemblyTests
  Test: testAssembly ... passed
  Test: testMassAssemblyParallel ... 0: 32 335
1: 34 310
2: 33 110
3: 35 713
4: 33 608
5: 35 5240
6: 29 521
7: 34 276
8: 34 10751
9: 37 1402
  Test: testMassAssemblyTimeout ... 0: 34 65
1: 34 65
2: 34 312
3: 34 3415
4: 29 849
5: 32 2728
6: 33 35922
7: 28 11510
8: 35 43002
9: 37 1552
    1. src/tests/test_rma.c:95  - time < 30000
    2. src/tests/test_rma.c:95  - time < 30000
  Test: testMassAssemblySequential ... 0: 34 65
1: 34 65
2: 34 310
3: 34 3451
4: 29 851
5: 32 2717
6: 35 1007739
7: 28 11521
8: 38 133413
9: 37 1554
    1. src/tests/test_rma.c:137  - time < 30000
    2. src/tests/test_rma.c:137  - time < 30000

--Run Summary: Type      Total     Ran  Passed  Failed
               suites        4       4     n/a       0
               tests        13      13      10       3
               asserts     662     662     657       5

Offline bayo

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Re: Out of memory
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2011, 08:36:24 pm »
I think this test only check the time need to compute data. Maybe it mean your computer is very slow.

YOu can remove this test by using --remove-RandomMapAssemblyTests