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Author Topic: Problem w/ AI on dam map & general feedback  (Read 2720 times)

Offline jcjordan

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Problem w/ AI on dam map & general feedback
« on: January 26, 2011, 12:35:49 am »
I just had this mission as a terror mission & I think it's the dam map. In it there were approx 6 or 7 Ortnoks & 1 Tamen & only 3 aliens actually acted during the mission - 2 Ortnoks & 1 Tamen which were on the middle of the dam, all the others just moved into the corner where they started the mission (across the water from the helipad where I start) not firing once & let me pick them off. I'm not sure if it's AI behavior coding or AI pathing that's the problem ie they wanted to move in the direction of the water but were stopped due to the end of the dock so didn't move or they were so distant from me they didn't have a trigger to act. I know I should've saved the game at that point but I've gone on in my game but you might be able to load up a scenario of it to check it out. This is a savegame started under 2.3 imported to 2.3.1 is that changes anything.

On another mission, I had a couple of strange AI moves as well. On the Industrial area mission w/ the snow that you normally get in Russia or Mongolia, I had a couple of aliens who start on top of the building jump down & land next to my men then did nothing allowing me to kill them the next turn (I had no reaction fire pts left so I couldn't do RF until my turn).

One more thing thats kinda strange is that on missions in S America I get desert or African type maps most of the time when I should probably get jungle types & in Africa I get tropical/jungle types when I should probably be getting desert types?????