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Author Topic: Crash to geoscape in an Eastern park map  (Read 2478 times)

Offline CheeseshireCat

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Crash to geoscape in an Eastern park map
« on: January 24, 2011, 08:20:03 pm »
I don't recall what the map name is, again, nor could provide a console log (the console window closed at this error, the program doesn't take screenshots of console activated by tilde, the log file doesn't have any records of that at all, must hev been truncated or something) but here are the screenshots with a summary of what happened. There was an alien (I think last one) at point A. I brought one soldier with assault rifle to the gate (G), shot him, moved aside, then another, shot, moved aside. Then brought a grenade launcher guy to point B and shot a grenade over the wall. And right after it exploded, I got booted to geoscape, prior to the mission, only the craft was hovering idly over the mission marker.

The console brought up by ` had the following three lines (from my memory, couldn't take a screenshot, thought it *was* taken, not knowing that "screenshot" key doesn't work in the console, so didn't bother noting down):

(Soldier name) kills alien (alien name) with blah blah blah (first alien)
(Soldier name) kills alien (alien name) with blah blah blah (second alien)
Then something about missing actor from team 7 or something.

I did not have a LOS at the alien at the moment.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2011, 08:33:23 pm by CheeseshireCat »