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New type of Assault Rifle/micro missile launcher

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--- Quote from: Quester on January 19, 2011, 03:52:24 pm ---But, I will admit, I have not got the coilgun system yet.  But, the weapon you are talking about, with the two stage detonation has exisited since at LEAST the Second World War.  It is called a HEAP round.  High Explosive Armour Piercing, or shape charge.  Basically, using a small cone, it turns its explosive payload into what amounts to a cutting tourch, roasting, and, creating shrapnel on the inside of everything.  The spalling and heat would be the killer.  On a humanoid body, will, we are talking massive, critical wounds on a hit.  Though, it woudl still cause some splash if it were to miss.  And, agaisnt bugs like the Bloodspider, if it hits the thing, in theory, it is possiable to achive a critical kill where the robotic could detonate its battery pack and, cause a sympathtic detonation of onboard ordnance.

--- End quote ---

Ah yes, HEAP rounds, forgot about them completely. Though they could then be simply activated once you do the armor research, since the rocket we have now is not a HEAP but a normal HE. In a way, my +/- about them still holds.

Could larger rockets of the HEAP variation be included as armours are researched?  It would make the starter rocket launcher alot more viable as well, instead of just putting in a new weapon like the micro launcher.

Lew Yard:
Wouldn't make sense to have them require research.   Warheads using shaped-charges have been in use since during WW2, they're ubiquitous with the RPG-7, and fairly nifty tandem HEAT warheads (one blast to trigger common explosive reactive armor such as Kontakt-5 ERA, a follow-up to keep going aren't all that rare these days, either). 

HEAT, T-HEAT (not terribly applicable, however -- there is no evidence of the /aliens/ using ERA, so a standard HEAT charge would be more logical), thermobaric, and the current ordinary HE warheads would be quite reasonably available at the beginning.  Plasma (think a 'Plasma and the Rocket Launcher' tech ala the GL) and antimatter (!), OTOH, would require more research.

I think we got something.  3 types of warhead avalible at the begining, HEAT, HE, and, a thermobaric round.  Follow ups on the tech tree would be plasma rockets, and, perhaps antimatter rockets, with OTOH a possiblity.  I like how this is going.  How, in game would it be implimented though, and, do they fit with the beliveablity standpoint?  Those are my last two concerns now that we have gotten this far and moved away from the thought of a 'new' missile launcher and instead attemt to breath life back into the old one.

Weapons like rocket launchers and recoilless rifles tend to be used for many decades. Instead ammunition is upgraded.

What's an OTOH round? I thought it stood for "On The Other Hand".


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