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Author Topic: How do i get more soldiers/sientists/workers?  (Read 4949 times)


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How do i get more soldiers/sientists/workers?
« on: September 20, 2006, 07:01:03 am »
My name is justin and im 25.  I played X-com UFO def. till i could beet the game blind folded.  Thousands of hours playing the game in the 90s.  
I'm Extatic to be able to play this new game.  It is Very preaty and looks and feels a Lot like X-com... just with better graphics.  
O.K. enough with introductions.  I looked over all the forum rooms and all the topics and it looks like im the only one with this problem.  I'm not dumb and i just dont know what im doing wrong here.  I just cant figure out how to buy more soldiers and sientists and workers.  please help  
being able to play this game before its done makes me wish i was a computer geek.  (no offence if you are a "geek")  Why because i would totaly get into this trying to make this game better and more fun.  (unfortunatly i am a grease monkey.  If you want me to work on your car i can be a lot more help :>)
Thanks in advance for any help i will get from this.  The folks who are actualy working on this game and making it happen than my hat is off to you and again i would help in any way possable if i could.  Please let me know if i can  :wink:

PS sorry for any poor spelling.  If its not in word format im too lazy to spell check it  :roll:


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How do i get more soldiers/sientists/workers?
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2006, 01:26:33 pm »
first thing: welcome :) i guess you found the rid spot for your ufo addiction

well, just a first hint from me on your "more workers etc..." issue: usually you get the chance to hire additional scientists/medics/workers once you did some successful mission (as people trust you more and wanna support your effors.. sound like oss-development *G*) nevertheless afaik its impossible to get more than 19 person from each category yet due to the simple "fact" that there is no scroll-up/down option so no mor than those 19 fit on the screen. Also afaik there is no limitation/ corellation of max scientist per lab in your base. so one base is enough to let those 19 guys do their work (im not completly sure about that one btw).
Hope that helps, eric.


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How do i get more soldiers/sientists/workers?
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2006, 12:04:57 am »
its impossible to get more than 19 person from each category

is that per base?


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How do i get more soldiers/sientists/workers?
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2006, 10:54:40 am »
to be honest: i dont know. :(   i have just recompiled the svn so i need to start from 0 in order to find out... but let me know if you figure out early than me :)


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How do i get more soldiers/sientists/workers?
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2006, 11:12:32 am »

I am a fan of being albe to order up 20 soldiers and picking and choosing the ones i actualy want to work for me....  the ones that have exceptional stats on mind and maybe 2 other stats.   Very upseting for me to find out this is how the recruitment system works.   I for one hope this gets modified one way or another to be more in line with the origenial X-com.  Some folks may like this way better but i just think i should be able to have as many emploies as i can afford Right off the bat.  
I feel bad for pointing things out and Not being able to change things myself when this game is at a point where general people are actualy invited to change code to make the game better.  

On the subject of employment.  Can i get a button that lets me look at my soldiers?  Also there is no real reason to actualy be able to see the stats of the sientists and workers in the bases.  It just erks me a little that i have to click on "aircraft" and then another button in order to actualy look at my -soldiers-  the ones who are taking the fight to the enemy.   They IMHO should have a button right up front on the base menu.  

Other than this stuff..... i have NOT ONE grip that is worth writing about about this game so far as i have played it out.  The reaction shoot is great.  The player VS. alien HPs is great.  The damage player VS alien is great...... again all this is IMHO.  

One question before i end thsi post.  And this is to the people actualy makeing this game happen.  How close is this game to being done.?.  and is the game gunna be released into mass public access when it is "done".  I.E. will anyone be able to walk into a wallmart or EB games and pick up a box?   I really HOPE this game is finished and put into mass circulation when its all said and done.  not just religated to the confines of an internet download for those people looking for an x-com fix.    So far this game is Great and hope my sugestions can improve the game's overall appeal; that is if they are taken into consideration and implemented.  

To sum all this up.... i really wish i could get an ordering system identical to the old x-com for my soldiers/sientists/workers.   please please!!


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How do i get more soldiers/sientists/workers?
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2006, 11:31:27 am »
first, thanks for your enthusiasm :)
2nd i think the limitiations on hiring emploies are just things <not done yet> and as the game suffers some other more intensive problems our beloved coding-department ;) is working on those first. For reasons easy to be seen it wouldnt be a clever idea to give any exact release date, and even if so thats the project admins job, so just some humble remarks on this issue: as statet somewhere else in the forum the next (rather soon) step is RC5 which solves some major problems of rc4. still this won't be a finished ufo:ai, not at all. Once the engine / general game performance is done the content which is prepared for huge parts will be put inside so it will be more like an actual game rather than a engine.
As this game is GPL licenced it will be accessable to everyone who is interested, but this also means there is no big financial interest behind the development. Nevertheless everyone would be free to burn/copy/publish  the game if he acts acording to this licence. Also some kind of cooperation with magazines will be an option to be discussed - once the game is done. :) and its still some work to be done thill we get there...

ok, hope to have helped with at least some of the question and not having pissed anyone, best regards: Eric :)