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Author Topic: Bug -- equipment dropped by aliens vanishes.  (Read 2413 times)

Offline CheeseshireCat

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Bug -- equipment dropped by aliens vanishes.
« on: January 05, 2011, 10:08:48 am »
What the title says.

I had an ortnok armed by two pistols panic and drop one, run away some, next turn panic and drop the other pistol, then run away some more... Then I converged onto him to stun, after dealing with a few other aliens and losing LoS to the spots he dropped guns at, and they weren't there anymore. Neither they were at his body after stunning him. I even went as far as scouring all the spots I had downed other aliens at, and accounting for all the stuff there before killing off the final one in the ship, and these two pistols have indeed just vanished, and they were not among the loot salvaged from the battlefield afterwards, either.