Technical support > Mac

Game does not start at all

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--- Quote from: Kooks on January 11, 2012, 03:57:12 pm ---So I decided to give 2.4 another chance and miraculously it works.

--- End quote ---

OMG Kooks, you are genius! I've installed libsdl using MacPorts and now I can see main menu (username/language/tip of the day). I didn't tried to play, but I believe everything will be fine :)


--- Quote from: SpeCT on January 11, 2012, 04:46:33 pm ---OMG Kooks, you are genius!

--- End quote ---

Finally some1 points out the obvious  8)
Glad, I could help.
Something else: I noticed that the earth looks pretty dark in Geoscape without nation overlay. Is that a bug or a feature? Here is a screenshot. The sun is in viewerposition.

Try turning off GLSL shaders in the video options. That may help...

Unfortunaty it doesnt

Hey. Kooks, it seems you are the resident badass who'd figured this out. Unfortunately I really don't have much of a clue of what I'm doing with this kind of thing, would there be any chance you could post a baby-step set of instructions of how to get this working?

I know it's a bit of an ask but a poor fool like me would seriously appreciate it.


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