Technical support > Mac

Game does not start at all

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Looks like you can blame it all on SDL. I used to play the 2.2 version of the game without any problems. Does any1 know if it is still available somewhere?

Hi Guys.

Firstly I'd like to say THANK YOU for developing such amazing open source game (hope I will be able to play ;))

Now regarding the 2.3.1 issues. I've installed SDL_image and SDL_mixer frameworks into /opt/local/Library/Frameworks and SDL.framework into /Applications/ All are versioned 1.2 (latest) and downloaded from

So now there are no exceptions related to SDL (neither any other), but UFO:AI still is not playable: app icon is constantly bouncing in Dock and there is no Quit option under right click menu, only Force quit.

I'm having c2d air 11 with updated lion on it.

Please tell me how can I help you with solving this issue (m.b. by sending any additional info/log files/...)

PS: I didn't tried to build version from sources, but as I see after quick forum reading it will not help :(



--- Quote from: geever on November 02, 2011, 06:57:24 pm ---The current development line (2.4-dev) got quite much Mac specific fix, I would try that.
You can download an installer from


--- End quote ---

Thank you for the reply Mattn, but as you already mentioned above 2.4-dev crashes on VID_GetModeInfo. So, since you are calling 2.3.1 as stable – I've just tried to fix it, instead of debugging 2.4-dev.

So I decided to give 2.4 another chance and miraculously it works.
Last time I tried it, it only managed to show the loading screen and fill the loading bar before returning to desktop.
I basically installed SDL via Macports and ran selfupdate and upgrade outdated since it was an older version of Macports.


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